Duties include those described for administrative assistant, but this position supports a corporate legal department or law firm exclusively. Additional responsibilities include assisting lawyers with screening client calls, preparing business correspondence and transcribing dictation. Must have excellent computer and communication skills; understand local and state or provincial rules regarding pleadings and discovery formats, deadlines, and filing requirements; be familiar with court structures, vendors and other legal resources; and have basic knowledge of legal terminology. Submit your resume or request talent now and our expert recruiters will be with you shortly.Robert Half can help you with your entry-level assistant — legal staffing needs.
About Time
Accounting Functions
Accounting Software Systems
Accounts Payable (AP)
Accounts Receivable (AR)
Check Processing
Cl Programming
Customer Service
Data Entry
Salary for Entry-Level Assistant — Legal
$40,250 - $48,500
25th percentile
New to the role, with little or no experience; requires more than casual instruction or supervision to perform day-to-day duties
50th percentile
Has the experience to consistently perform core responsibilities without direct supervision; very comfortable with processes and subject matter associated with the role
75th percentile
Value to the organization goes far beyond the ability to perform normal job duties; has rare qualifications that enable consistent contribution in unique ways; ready for next career level when available
Projected salaries for related positions Position title 25th percentile 50th percentile 75th percentile Senior Executive Assistant $73,250 $79,500 $93,750 Executive Assistant $54,750 $66,000 $83,500 Senior Administrative Assistant $46,750 $50,000 $57,250 Administrative Assistant $40,500 $43,000 $47,750 Entry-Level Administrative Assistant $37,500 $39,750 $42,000 Marketing Assistant $38,750 $43,250 $49,750 Sales Assistant $40,250 $42,750 $47,500 Property Management Assistant $36,500 $39,500 $44,000 Project Assistant/Coordinator $36,500 $43,250 $47,250 Purchasing Assistant $36,750 $41,500 $48,500
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