Christine Armstrong is a researcher and writer who helps people to understand the new world of work. She joined Paul Middleton, managing director at Protiviti UK, for the final Tackling Tomorrow Today event of 2023. Here are four headlines from her interview:
Someone’s personality should match the environment in which they work. An insurance company feels different to an advertising agency; a management consultancy feels different to a retail chain. We don’t talk enough to young people about the environments that will be best for them.
Some businesses are embracing hybrid and remote working; others are forcing people back to the office. When people want to feel seen, and they want to make a difference, a power struggle is bad for the culture. Leaning into new possibilities is better and gives people what they need in the process.
How many people in your team would tell their friends and family they have a good job? Are they listened to? Do they have the right equipment? Do they care about what they are doing? Business leaders who hesitate with this question are going to have a problem hiring or retaining people.
One, make sure your working model matches your brand, your people, and your culture. Two, protect people’s time and protect their ability to focus. Three, how do you make sure people feel seen and heard? Fifteen minutes a week, one to one, where they do most of the talking, is a good place to start.Read more from Christine about the future of work, including links and insights from other writers and researchers. Find out about her book The Mother of All Jobs here.