Are your employees passionate about their jobs?Do they come to the office every day eager and enthusiastic to dig in and contribute to the company goals?If not, you may be facing an employee engagement gap, with team members who don’t feel motivated or connected to their roles.This can be a serious issue.A disengaged staff can have a significantly negative effect on productivity, customer service levels and retention.
Watch video: How to increase employee engagement
The importance of team motivation
“Imagine a team brimming with enthusiasm, tackling challenges head-on, and consistently exceeding expectations. That's the power of a motivated team” explains Gareth Gage, Regional Managing Director at Robert Half. “But team motivation isn't just about a feel-good work environment. It's the fuel that propels teams to achieve remarkable things.”The benefits of a motivated team include increased productivity, improved morale and collaboration, enhanced problem solving, and reduced staff turnover.By comparison, the cost of demotivated staff are reduced productivity, a toxic work environment, and the loss of talent.If you are left contemplating how to motivate a team to perform at their optimal best, there's good news.There are plenty of ways to make your team feel more inspired by their work, and many of these tactics can easily be incorporated into your day-to-day operations.Here are twenty-five practical (and proven) ideas that can help you enhance employee engagement within your organisation.
How to communicate better
1. Keep them connected to the companyIf you fail to share crucial company information, either intentionally or unintentionally, employees will come to their own conclusions. Whenever feasible, give your staff updates on the organisation’s financial performance and long- and short-term goals, and explain what this information means for them and their jobs. Keeping your team in the loop will help them feel connected to the company.2. Clearly define your expectationsHow do you motivate a team if your employees don’t understand what they’re supposed to be doing on a certain project? Every time you give your staff an assignment, spell out as many details as you can and verify your instructions and expectations. Also explain how the project fits into the company’s larger goals and encourage them to ask questions if they need additional information.3. Don’t sugarcoat unpleasant projectsSometimes employees will be required to take on projects that aren’t exciting or glamorous. When handing out these assignments, be upfront about the scope of the task. The last thing you want to do is throw an employee a curveball or appear untruthful.4. Be consistentYes, you need to treat each employee as an individual and tailor your approach to his or her needs. But don’t reprimand one office assistant for taking too long to process the travel expense forms while allowing another to go days over the deadline on a similar project. No one likes to work for a manager who appears to always turn to their favourites.5. Set a good exampleThe adage “Do as I say, not as I do” doesn’t work well in business. You should exemplify the standards you hold your employees to, especially when it comes to punctuality, appearance, courtesy, and willingness to pitch in when needed. This also means not concealing a mistake when you make one. You’ll only encourage staff to hide their own errors.6. Ask for inputKnowing how to motivate a team as a leader can come down simply to asking feedback from team members. Maintain an open-door policy, and an open mind, so that it’s easy for individuals to approach you. Some members of your administrative staff may be uncomfortable sharing their thoughts without a gentle nudge. Reach out to them directly to ensure their ideas are heard.7. Criticise constructivelyWhen employees are doing a substandard job, let them know, but do it with care and tact. Never criticise an employee in front of his or her colleagues. Also, focus the discussion on the performance, not the person. In other words, if you think someone is turning in sloppy or incomplete work, don’t say, “Why are you so careless these days?” Instead, point out the pattern of mistakes you’re seeing, with specific examples, and discuss how the person might be able to do better in the future.8. Offer a helping handRegularly check in with employees to ensure their workloads are manageable and let them know it’s OK to seek assistance when they are overwhelmed. If work can’t be handled by existing staff, bring in temporary professionals to help keep things on track. Interim staff can assist during peak demands or with special projects, easing the burden on existing employees.9. Be liberal with praise oftenSimple but heartfelt thanks will make an employee feel like his or her work matters. In fact, support staff said they value an in-person thank-you even more than a promotion or paid time off as a reward for a job well done.10. Say ‘No’ TactfullyWhenever you have to say no to an employee’s request — whether it’s for a raise, a day off or a change in hours — make sure you’re not alienating the person with the way you refuse. Be kind, explain your decision and try to phrase your response so the employee doesn’t leave your office embarrassed.11. Learn from those on the way outStaff members who are leaving the company will sometimes be franker and more honest with you than those who are still on the job. Exit interviews can give you insight into ways your department can improve. Remember, though, that the departing employee may not be entirely objective. Take this into account when you’re considering his or her comments.
How to engage more confidently
12. Show you careAs a team manager, getting to know your staff members so you can relate to them on a personal level can be helpful. Make a point to ask about their hobbies and interests. The better you know them, the more effectively you’ll be able to identify how to motivate your team.13. Reward creativityLet your support staff know it’s safe — and, in fact, encouraged — to come up with new ideas and put them into action. Your teams will know that you value their opinion. They’ll also be more invested and engaged if they’re working on something they came up with. If someone’s suggestion for streamlining the new vendor approval process doesn’t work out as well as planned, don’t get upset or criticise the person. Rather, treat it as a learning experience and encourage your teams to apply the lessons to other projects.Related: 7 fun team-building exercises for work14. Break out of comfort zonesEncourage staff members to take on new responsibilities and projects outside of their typical roles. Make sure these assignments are manageable for individuals in terms of difficulty and workload, but also try to make them challenging enough that they help employees build skills and experience. By giving your staff members a chance to try new things, you’ll demonstrate your faith in them and prompt them to perform at a higher level.15. Offer trainingProfessionals today are increasingly driven to learn and grow their skills to advance their careers. To nurture this ambition, employers can offer valuable support through training programs, mentorship, and tuition assistance for work-related courses. Our recent findings reveal that two highly desired learning and development opportunities – temporary international secondments (39%) and job rotation programs (38%) – are often overlooked by employers, despite strong employee interest.16. Discuss career aspirationsJust as it is important for your company to set objectives, it’s crucial that your employees have career goals, so they feel they’re working toward something. Talk to your staff about their ambitions and work with them on plans for meeting those goals.17. Promote from withinIf members of your staff believe they’re stuck in the same job and are unable to advance, they’ll quickly lose team motivation. Promoting from within demonstrates that the organisation is committed to helping them climb the corporate ladder, and they’ll work harder to reach the next step. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t consider bringing in outsiders to fill open positions, but regularly promoting your employees can do a lot for morale.18. Provide rewardsEmployees can feel unappreciated or suffer burnout if they are not recognised or rewarded for their good work and efforts. Keep in mind that rewards don’t have to be monetary. Extra days off, acknowledgement in company publications and the opportunity to broaden job responsibilities are just three examples of effective non-financial rewards.19. Help staff achieve work-life balanceBoost engagement by offering programs like telecommuting and flexible schedules, which help employees juggle their work and personal lives. Providing on-site services such as dry cleaning, childcare or exercise facilities also allows team members to be more efficient with their time.
How to create a better work environment
20. Give them a breakRemind employees to take regular breaks to recharge and set a good example by doing so yourself. If your team seems particularly stressed, organise a quick collective break where you can provide cakes or a catered lunch.21. Create a place where people want to workProfessionals feel more eager to come into the office if it’s comfortable and clean and provides all the tools necessary to do the job effectively. They’re also happier and more engaged when management promotes a clear commitment to basic courtesy and demands that employees treat each other with respect.Read more: 5 benefits of flexible working for your employees22. Be stingy with meetingsIf team members are constantly in meetings, they’re more likely to feel disconnected from their regular assignments because they don’t get enough uninterrupted time to concentrate on those tasks. Before you call a formal meeting, make sure it’s really needed. It’s equally important to keep these gatherings brief and to the point.23. Get out of the officeWhenever possible, hold training events, celebrations or similar activities off-site. A change of scenery can provide a break from routine and help professionals reconnect with their colleagues. Allow for some social time in the agenda; it can help enhance the spirit of teamwork.24. Recognise the signs of low moraleMany companies become aware of troubles with team motivation and morale only when the problem reaches a tipping point. To prevent this, be alert to the early symptoms. These include a rise in absenteeism, complaints about customer service, poor performance from top employees or increased conflict between team members. Knowing how to motivate a team means acting early and quick.
Frequently asked questions
How can I identify what motivates my team members?Identifying what motivates your team members is crucial for creating a truly engaging and productive work environment.Schedule regular one-on-one meetings with each team member. This dedicated time allows for open conversations where you can discuss their goals, aspirations, and what they find fulfilling in their work. During these meetings, use open-ended questions to encourage deeper conversations. For example, "What are you most proud of accomplishing here?" or "What kind of work excites you the most?"What should I say to inspire my team?Help them see how their individual contributions fit into the larger goal. You could say something like, "This project is crucial for achieving our company's mission of [company mission]. Each of you plays a vital role in making it happen."Show them how their work makes a difference. You could say, "The work we're doing here is directly impacting [positive outcome]. You should all be incredibly proud of the real change you're helping to create."And take the time to recognise successes, big or small. You could say, " [Team member name], your innovative solution on the X project was brilliant! It's a great example of your problem-solving skills."How do I motivate a team as a leader?Not everyone is motivated by the same things. Take time to understand what drives each team member. Conduct one-on-one meetings, observe their work styles, and use open-ended questions to uncover their aspirations and what fulfills them.As a leader, you also need to lead by example (refer to Tip 5). Your own passion and enthusiasm for the project or company vision are contagious, and you should express your belief in the team's abilities and show genuine excitement about the work being done.What are some of the common challenges that arise when trying to motivate your team?Even the most well-intentioned leaders can face hurdles when trying to motivate their team.For example, if hard work and achievements go unnoticed, team members can feel undervalued and demotivated. A lack of recognition can stifle their enthusiasm and decrease their willingness to go the extra mile. Even inconsistent recognition, where some team members are praised more than others, can breed resentment, and demotivate those who feel overlooked.You need to be on the lookout also for poor communication which can lead to misunderstandings, missed deadlines, and a general sense of frustration.How do I motivate others if they are disengaged or demotivated?A disengaged team can be a real challenge, but there are steps you can take to re-ignite their motivation.Schedule one-on-one meetings or team discussions to understand the reasons behind the disengagement. Encourage honest feedback and actively listen to their concerns.Look for patterns in behaviour or performance. Are deadlines missed frequently? Is there a lack of communication or collaboration? Identifying these patterns can help pinpoint potential causes.You may need to ensure workloads are manageable and deadlines are realistic. Identify and address sources of stress that might be hindering team motivation.You should also delegate tasks and empower team members with ownership over their work. This fosters a sense of responsibility and increases motivation.
How to factor compensation and benefits
25. Keep an eye on salariesNo, money isn’t the only reason people feel enthusiastic about their work, but it is a critical factor. Review the latest Robert Half Salary Guide or salary calculator to make sure you’re offering pay that is slightly above average for your location and industry. If you’re not, you might be inadvertently sending the message that you don’t value your employees’ contributions.