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How to present an expected salary range for a job I Robert Half®Learn how to properly present and negotiate your expected salary range during a job interview or offer stage.How to become a CEO in Hong KongWant to know how to become a CEO in Hong Kong? Find out what our CEO Tracker has revealed.Who are Hong Kong’s top business CEOs?How do Hong Kong’s top chief executive officers shape up when it comes to education, skills, global experience and other key attributes?How to set and stick to New Year resolutionsSmall steps that can make a big difference to your career. Learn how to set New Year resolutions that you can stick to.Fit for AI - How to use AI in your businessIn this blog, we’ll learn more about how companies can train their employees and educate them so you can effectively use AI in your business. From the opportunities to the risks, we’ll explore everything you need to know about using this revolutionaryHow to be a good Business Analyst in Hong KongFind out how to be a good Business Analyst in Hong Kong and what career path you can build with this role.How to build a career as a Financial AnalystFind out what is driving demand for financial analysts in Hong Kong, and how to foster a career as a Financial Analyst.Authentic happiness in our careersAre high stress levels, an increased workload and long working hours getting to you? It’s never too late to establish an authentic happiness for your career.How a gap year can be a worthwhile career moveGap years are more than aimless backpacking around the world. The time can actually be put to good use for your professional career. Find out how.How much should I get paid?“How much should I get paid?” While not always a straightforward question to answer, it’s a discussion worth preparing for.