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Finding a job

I’m looking for a job. Can you help?

Yes! We work with top local companies that have openings in your location, and we’re always looking for in-demand candidates to help fill our clients’ positions. We place skilled professionals in the accounting and finance, financial services, technology, legal, HR and administration fields.  Start your job search now.

How do I submit my CV?

To send us your CV, select your field of interest, fill out the required fields, then upload your CV. Once you’ve submitted your CV, this serves as your confidential profile. You can use our site to apply for the latest jobs and to stay updated on new opportunities that meet your preferences.

I’ve submitted my CV. What happens next?

A recruiter will contact you if your skills and experience meet the requirements of an open position or match what our clients typically look for. We receive new job vacancies every day, so continue to check back frequently and apply to those that match your background, credentials and interests.

I was interviewed. Why hasn’t anyone contacted me?

There may be several possible reasons. Perhaps the position you applied for has been filled or your experience does not match the client’s specified needs. We have new job openings every day, and we recommend that you keep your CV updated and continue to apply for opportunities that match your skill set.

Do I have to take a skills assessment?

Robert Half offers an online candidate skills evaluation, Robert Half Skills Assessment, to help determine a candidate's proficiencies and skills related to specific applications and assignment tasks. Your investment in this short assessment provides you with insights about the work culture and environment you perform best in — and allows us to focus on finding the best available opportunity for you.

Why have I not received my skills assessment invitation?

Check your spam or junk email folder. If you did not receive the skill assessment invitation, please reach out to your local branch.

Who do I contact for technical issues with Robert Half skills assessment?

Please try the troubleshooting tips page:

I forgot my password. How do I access online training?

If you forgot your user ID or password, go to the login page and follow the steps. If you still have questions, contact your local branch. For all other questions, please reach out to your local branch.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

To discuss further, please call us on +971 4 382 6700.