Data warehouse analysts collect, analyze, mine and help businesses leverage the information stored in data warehouses. Professionals in this role research and recommend technology solutions related to data storage, reporting, importing and other business concerns. They also define the user interfaces for managing the interaction between data repositories. They collaborate with business intelligence analysts and developers to translate data requirements into logical data models and must have excellent research, analysis and problem-solving skills, as well as strong communication abilities. Prerequisites include a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field; extensive knowledge of relational database theory; and three to five years of work experience in database systems, data modeling and architecture. Implementing formulas that strengthen, streamline and automate the management of data warehouse systemsTroubleshooting and running basic cause analyses of application problemsWorking with business analysts to translate data requirements into logical data modelsEnsuring reliability as data moves across the infrastructureCollaborating with enterprise support teams Submit your resume or request talent now and our expert recruiters will be with you shortly.Robert Half can assist you with your data warehouse analyst recruitment needs.
AB Testing
Business Requirement Document
DB2 Database
Data Analysis
Data Modeling
Data Warehousing
Salary for Data Warehouse Analyst
$89,250 - $134,250
25th percentile
New to the role, with little or no experience; requires more than casual instruction or supervision to perform day-to-day duties
50th percentile
Has the experience to consistently perform core responsibilities without direct supervision; very comfortable with processes and subject matter associated with the role
75th percentile
Value to the organization goes far beyond the ability to perform normal job duties; has rare qualifications that enable consistent contribution in unique ways; ready for next career level when available
Projected salaries for related positions Position title 25th percentile 50th percentile 75th percentile AI Architect $132,000 $163,750 $183,000 Data Architect $134,500 $164,000 $186,500 Big Data Engineer $122,000 $149,500 $174,250 Data Scientist $119,000 $144,250 $167,000 Database Manager $122,250 $147,500 $170,000 Database Developer $107,500 $130,500 $147,750 Database Administrator $88,500 $116,250 $133,250 Business Intelligence Analyst – Technology $101,250 $123,750 $146,500 Data Analyst – Technology $93,000 $113,250 $134,000 Report Writer $70,250 $86,000 $103,000
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