If you're a contract professional or a full-time engagement professional in the U.S. or Canada, Robert Half now offers multiple ways to enter and submit your time. You can submit your time reports from your Robert Half Online account through our Online Time Reporting System and now on your mobile device with the Robert Half mobile app. Follow the instructions below on how to enter and submit your time reports on a desktop computer or on the Robert Half mobile app. 
Tip: Time reports can only be seen in the Online Time Reporting System or Mobile App once you’ve started your job. On Day One of your job, your time report will automatically appear on the home screen in the Report section once you’ve signed in either tool.
    Go to roberthalf.com and click “Time” in the top right corner. Sign in with your username and password. Click on “Time Reports” at the top of the screen. If you can’t find it, try clicking on the circle icon that contains your initials on the top-right corner to view the drop-down menu. 
  1. Click “Time Report Entry” in the “Time Reports” section.  
  2. At the top of the page, you will see a gray box with instructions on how to input time for the current week.   3. When entering your In and Out times for each day, remember:           a. Enter all time worked for this time report, including the time it took you to enter, submit and/or revise and resubmit your time reports.           b. If you spent time waiting to enter or exit a work site due to COVID-19 protocols, please include that time as time worked by entering the time you arrived at the work site as your start time and the time you left the work site as your last end time.   4. In the table below called “Weekly Time from Saturday MM/DD/YYY to Friday MM/DD/YYYY”, choose the correct date and day of the work you will fill the time for. If you hover your mouse cursor over the table, it will highlight the rows in yellow for each day of the week.   5. You can enter the time you started work in the “In” column, and the time you were off work in the adjacent “Out” column. Fill out as many text fields as necessary (e.g., recording a meal break time requires another set of In and Out times).    6. If you are recording time entries daily, you can click “Save as Draft” to save your timesheet without submitting it for approval. As a draft, you can delete or edit time before the time report is submitted.   
    7. If you are ready to submit your time report for the week, click “Submit for Approval” to submit your time report.    8. A pop-up message asking for your confirmation will appear. You can click “OK” to submit your time report or “Cancel” if you need to modify your time.  
  9. After clicking “OK”, the time text fields are locked and will not allow any edits or additional entries.  10. Your manager is automatically notified that your time report is ready for online approval.  
You can access your time reports from the previous 12 months.  
    To view past time reports, go to the “Time Reports” page by signing in to your RH account. Click "Time Report History" under the “Time Reports” section. 
  2. You will see a table called “Time Reports” that is organized by the most recent “Work Week End Date” time report from the top.    3. To view a time report in further detail, click on the desired time period that corresponds to the date found in the “Work Week End Date” column that is highlighted in blue.   4. You will be taken to a Time Report Detail page that displays the times entered every day of that week, and the In and Out times recorded.  
    Open the Robert Half mobile app and sign in with your username and password. Once signed in, you should see the time entry card in the Time Reports section.   The Time Entry card that requires your most immediate action is displayed here. You can see the Work Week date at the top-left corner and if the time was entered or not.
3. Tap on the Time Entry card. The days of the week are displayed at the top. You can tap through different days to enter time, and you can find the date of the day below. 4. Under the “Hours Worked” section, tap the “In” part of the card to record the time you started work. 
  5. You can spin the dial or tap the time to select the hour and minute. You can also tap on the keyboard icon on the bottom-left corner to type in the time. Tap “OK”. Follow the same steps when entering your Out times. 
6. The app conveniently autosaves your progress. After you've started entering time, your time report is saved as a draft. You can close the app and return to it later to continue entering time and submit it once you've entered all hours worked for the time period. 7. To delete or edit time, swipe left on the “In/Out” card to display the Edit and Delete icons.  8. You can tap on the gray eraser icon to clear the In and Out times recorded. 9. You can tap on the red trashcan icon to delete the Time Entry card if you need to change the time type. 
10. You can add additional In and Out times by tapping on the “+” icon below and selecting “Hours worked” or another type if needed.
  11. If you are ready to submit your time report for the week, tap on the blue “Total Time” menu at the bottom of the screen. Tap “Submit”.
12. Review your work location for the days of the week. Tap the “Next” button.
13. Review total hours worked for each day of the week
You can access your time reports from the previous 12 months.
    To view past time reports, open the Robert Half mobile app and sign in. Then tap the clock icon in the top-right corner of the Home screen.
2. You will see previously submitted time reports on the “All Time Reports” screen. The reports are organized by most recent and by month.  3. The color at the top of each time report indicates the status of the card, along with the status label on the top-right corner.          a. Green means that the time report was approved.          b. Gray means no time is recorded yet.          c. Blue means the time report is a draft.          d. Orange means the time report is awaiting approval.         e. Red means the time report has been returned for correction.
4. Tap on the desired time period that corresponds to the date found at the top left corner of the card to get a detailed display of the time report. You will be taken to a screen that displays the times entered every day of that week, and the In and Out times recorded.
Be sure to use one of these supported browsers: Microsoft Edge
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