When you need to fill a vacancy, there’s no time to waste. Locking down a fast, efficient process not only stops the business from losing revenue and growth, it also gives you a better chance of securing a top candidate.
Read on to discover the best way to advertise a job vacancy, starting from the initial skills audit of your team and finishing with the final job posting.
1) Perform a team skills audit and the longevity of a potential role
The best way to advertise a job vacancy is to start by looking at any skill gaps in your team. Is there room for a new employee? Is the role itself in line with future business plans and will the candidate have room to grow? These questions will help you hire for the right role, search for the right skills and know what you’re looking for in a candidate.
If you choose to reach out to a recruitment agency, they can help you with this initial step by sitting down for a consultation - you may need a completely different role to the one you first thought!
2) Gather information from key stakeholders
Gather all key stakeholders to agree which qualifications, technical skills and soft skills are essential, which are ‘nice to have’ and which could be taught or learned later on. Agreeing this before you’ve advertised and interviewed for the position will help to significantly speed up hiring times and increases your chances of getting your first-choice candidate.
3) Evaluate your vacancy to decide where to advertise jobs
Logic dictates that the best place to post job openings is where your ideal candidate might be looking for a new opportunity. Using a generic recruitment site or job board might only serve to attract generic candidates. Top talent is more likely to be looking on specialist job sites or discussing opportunities with recruiters that have placed them in the past.
Specialist recruiters like Robert Half have the expertise to tap into niche talent pools as they have established networks in place. You can also choose to work more closely with specialists from specific job sectors or locations to narrow the search down further.
4) Write your job advert
The quality of your job advertisement will affect the tenure of the professionals you hire, so it pays to get it right! Nine out of ten new hires leave a job in the first month, with 44% stating that they resigned due to a discrepancy between the advertised job and the role in practice.
You can use your skills gap analysis and stakeholder meeting to properly outline the job description before you begin drafting up your job advert. If you’ve chosen to work with a recruitment company, they can use their many years of experience to help you with this.
Your final job advert should have the following components:
1) Role title
2) Base starting salary
3) Job description
4) Essential qualifications
5) Technical skills
6) Desired experience level
7) Soft skills
8) Job benefits
5) Submit your job advert
Once you’ve completed all other steps, you’re finally ready to submit your job vacancy in the location of your choosing. Don’t forget to act fast when applications start arriving as candidates typically expect to interview and be hired within a month!
Would you like help advertising your job vacancy? Get in touch with the team at Robert Half or submit your vacancy to the Robert Half site today.