Leaders need to be strong communicators, adaptable, decisive and positive. Strengthening your leadership can help you move toward a position of even greater responsibility in any industry.

Leadership skills aren’t just for managers or those in senior positions at an organisation. The qualities demonstrated daily by good leaders, (and likely the skills that got them there) can be learned and applied by employees at all levels throughout their career.

Difference between a leader and a manager

It is important to recognise the differences in the style of approach when it comes to leaders and managers. It’s important to not only utilise each method at the appropriate time, but take advantage of the benefits of both styles, and to also understand the potential consequences of each.

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Difference between leadership and management

Leadership is the action of moving, motivating, inspiring, encouraging, and leading a person or a team towards a common goal or vision. Management still aims for a goal to be achieved, but it is done in a more controlled and measured way.

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Role of a leader

The role of a leader is to get results for your followers, your team, your organisation, and your cause whilst meeting the multiple needs of these stakeholders.

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Nature of a leader

Just because someone is a “born leader”, it doesn’t mean they are a proud, useful, or effective leader either. The nature of a leader is multifaceted.

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Types of Leadership

In working to achieve motivating others to perform, innovate, and inspire change, a leader may incorporate different elements of the different types of leadership depending on the situation as well. It is a fluid and constantly changing outlook at the situation a leader finds themselves in.

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To increase the effectiveness of feedback, many managers, leaders and organisations are looking to a different type of “feedback”: a “feedforward” approach.

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Purpose behind coaching

Coaching can have a profound impact in teams and for a company’s bottom line and many organisations are looking for leaders and managers who are effective coaches.

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Difference between coaching and teaching

Managers and leaders are tasked with, and responsible for, ensuring their employees are performing at the best of their ability in order to get the maximum output from them. Two primary ways of achieving this is through coaching and teaching and there are key differences in these two approaches to team management.

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What is VUCA leadership?

The VUCA leadership principle takes into consideration the Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity which have to be dealt with in various conditions and circumstances.

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Role of a mentor

A mentor is someone who assists another person (a mentee) with their career, work projects and tasks, and gives general advice to help shape the mentee’s overall future direction.

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