29 results for Talent Manager Diegem in Diegem Flemish Brabant
Talent Manager Brussels<p><strong>De ideale uitdaging voor ambitieuze professionals</strong></p><p>Als Great Place To Work bieden we niet alleen carrièremogelijkheden, maar hechten we ook veel waarde aan het welzijn van onze medewerkers. Als Talent Manager heb je de kans om te werken bij een internationale gevestigde waarde in de rekruteringswereld.</p><p>Maak deel uit van ons team als Talent Manager in onze kantoren regio Brussel (Diegem, Brussel en Groot-Bijgaarden) en bouw mee aan onze en jouw toekomst.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Wat ga je doen?</strong></p><ul><li>Een netwerk uitbouwen met nieuwe en bestaande klanten</li><li>Een talentenpool creëren</li><li>Kandidaten opportuniteiten aanreiken en zo meebouwen aan iemands carrière</li><li>Een recruitmentoplossing vinden voor je klanten en ze tijdens het proces bijstaan van start tot finish</li><li>Noden en trends op de markt begrijpen, analyseren en deze met klanten delen</li><li>Als partner een lange termijn relatie opbouwen met kandidaten en klanten</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Wat we je aanbieden?</strong></p><ul><li>Een aantrekkelijk brutosalaris</li><li>Een Flex Income Plan waarmee je je loonpakket volledig volgens jouw persoonlijke behoeften kan samenstellen</li><li>Individuele, onbeperkte bonussen</li><li>Teamgebonden incentives</li><li>Hybride werkopties</li><li>Interne trainingen en een op maat afgestemd carrièreplan</li><li>Een innovatieve werkomgeving</li><li>Wellbeing at work - we hechten veel belang aan een positieve en vrolijke sfeer op de werkvloer</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Wie ben jij?</strong></p><ul><li>Je hebt enkele jaren commerciële of relevante business ervaring</li><li>Je beschikt over uitstekende schriftelijke en mondelinge communicatievaardigheden in het Nederlands en Frans, evenals in het Engels</li><li>Je houdt ervan om een volwaardige partner te zijn voor je collega's in een dynamische werkomgeving</li><li>Door je veerkracht ben je vastberaden jouw targets te behalen</li><li>Je hebt een kritische blik en kan vlot linken leggen om tot een zo goed mogelijk resultaat te komen</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Waar staan we voor?</strong></p><p>Robert Half is geëngageerd om een inclusieve en diverse cultuur uit te dragen. We zijn gefocust op gelijkheid en begrijpen het belang van het unieke in iedereen. We zijn vastberaden om een partner te zijn die onze klanten en kandidaten reflecteert en vertegenwoordigt.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Sounds good?</strong></p><p>Vraag je je af of het de moeite is om een gesprek met ons aan te gaan om deel te kunnen kunnen uitmaken van een van onze teams in Antwerpen, Brussel, Diegem, Gent, Groot-Bijgaarden, Hasselt of Roeselare? Dan gaan we graag verder in op je professionele, financiële en persoonlijke wensen en bekijken we samen of dit matcht.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Robert Half BV en Robert Half Project Sourcing BV verwerken de gegevens van sollicitanten die nodig zijn om de sollicitatieprocedure uit te voeren. Meer informatie over gegevensbescherming, in het bijzonder over uw rechten, vindt u op <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/nl/privacy" target="_blank">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/nl/privacy</a>. Indien u vragen heeft, kan u steeds contact met ons opnemen via [email protected].</p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/a3Jpc3N5LmRpZWxzLjQ3NzY2LjEwODk1QHJvYmVydGhhbGZpbnRsLmFwbGl0cmFrLmNvbQ.gif">Talent Manager Brussel<p><strong>De ideale uitdaging voor ambitieuze professionals</strong></p><p><strong>Robert Half</strong> is geëngageerd om een inclusieve en diverse cultuur uit te dragen. We zijn gefocust op gelijkheid en begrijpen het belang van het unieke in iedereen. We zijn vastberaden om een partner te zijn die onze klanten en kandidaten reflecteert en vertegenwoordigt.</p><p>Als <strong>Great Place To Work</strong> bieden we niet alleen carrièremogelijkheden, maar hechten we ook veel waarde aan het welzijn van onze medewerkers. Als <strong>Talent Manager Office Profiles</strong> heb je de kans om te werken bij een internationale gevestigde waarde in de rekruteringswereld. Maak deel uit van ons gedreven team als <strong>Talent Manager Office Profiles</strong> en bouw mee aan onze en jouw toekomst.</p><p><strong>Wat ga je doen:</strong><br /> Je kan echt impact hebben op iemands carrière als Talent Manager door je kandidaten opportuniteiten aan te reiken waar ze zelf niet aan dachten. Zo bouw je dagelijks mee aan iemands carrière pad. Hiernaast kom je met oplossingen voor je klanten die rekenen op jouw expertise en netwerk voor het vinden van Human Talent. Je wordt een vertrouwenspersoon van bedrijven in de regio en helpt hen zo hun groei waarmaken.<br /> Als Talent Manager ga je samen met je collega's op zoek naar een uitstekende match tussen klant en kandidaat. Je opereert als een partner voor je klanten en kandidaten die je bijstaat van start tot finish, wat resulteert in het vinden van de perfecte persoon voor de juiste job.</p><p>Je levert je bijdrage door:</p><ul><li>Je netwerk uit te bouwen met nieuwe klanten en bestaande klanten doormiddel van virtuele of face to face klantenbezoeken</li><li>Een talentenpool te creëren</li><li>Een recruitmentoplossing te vinden voor je klanten en ze tijdens het proces bij te staan</li><li>De noden en trends op de markt te begrijpen, analyseren en deze met klanten te delen</li></ul><p><strong>Wie ben jij?</strong></p><ul><li>Je hebt een passie voor wat je doet en bent vastberaden</li><li>Je hebt een eerste relevante commerciële of business ervaring, hetzij met ervaring in een recruitment omgeving.</li><li>Je hebt bij voorkeur een masterdiploma binnen business, communicatie, psychologie,..</li><li>Je hebt een zeer goede kennis van het Nederlands en Frans, goede kennis van het Engels.</li><li>Je houdt ervan om een volwaardige partner te zijn voor je collega's in een dynamische werkomgeving</li><li>Je houdt van consultancy en een oplossingsgerichte aanpak</li><li>Door je veerkracht ben vastberaden jouw commerciële targets te behalen</li><li>Je hebt een kritische blik en kan vlot linken leggen om tot een zo goed mogelijk resultaat te komen</li><li>Je hebt een winnaarsmentaliteit en werkt graag in een resultaatgerichte omgeving</li></ul><p><strong>Wat we je aanbieden:</strong></p><ul><li>Een aantrekkelijk brutosalaris</li><li>Een Flex Income Plan waarmee je je loonpakket volledig volgens jouw persoonlijke behoeften kan samenstellen</li><li>Een bedrijfswagen met tankkaart</li><li>Individuele, onbeperkte bonussen</li><li>Teamgebonden incentives</li><li>Hybride werkopties</li><li>Interne trainingen en een op maat afgestemd carrièreplan</li><li>Een innovatieve werkomgeving</li><li>Wellbeing at work - we hechten veel belang aan een positieve en vrolijke sfeer op de werkvloer!</li></ul><p><strong>Sounds good?</strong><br /> <br /> Vraag je je af of het de moeite is om een gesprek met ons aan te gaan? Dan gaan we graag verder in op je professionele, financiële en persoonlijke wensen en bekijken we samen of dit matcht met onze business waar we hard werken om je gemotiveerd en gerespecteerd te doen voelen.</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi4zMzIxNS4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">Talent Manager Groot Bijgaarden<p>De ideale uitdaging voor ambitieuze professionals</p><p>Robert Half is geëngageerd om een inclusieve en diverse cultuur uit te dragen. We zijn gefocust op gelijkheid en begrijpen het belang van het unieke in iedereen. We zijn vastberaden om een partner te zijn die onze klanten en kandidaten reflecteert en vertegenwoordigt.<br /> Sounds good?</p><p>Als Great Place To Work bieden we niet alleen carrièremogelijkheden, maar hechten we ook veel waarde aan het welzijn van onze medewerkers. Als Talent Manager Office Profiles heb je de kans om te werken bij een internationale gevestigde waarde in de rekruteringswereld. Maak deel uit van ons gedreven team als Talent Manager Office Profiles en bouw mee aan onze en jouw toekomst.</p><p><strong>Wat ga je doen:</strong><br /> Je kan echt impact hebben op iemands carrière als Talent Manager door je kandidaten opportuniteiten aan te reiken waar ze zelf niet aan dachten. Zo bouw je dagelijks mee aan iemands carrière pad. Hiernaast kom je met oplossingen voor je klanten die rekenen op jouw expertise en netwerk voor het vinden van Human Talent. Je wordt een vertrouwenspersoon van bedrijven in de regio en helpt hen zo hun groei waarmaken.<br /> Als Talent Manager ga je samen met je collega's op zoek naar een uitstekende match tussen klant en kandidaat. Je opereert als een partner voor je klanten en kandidaten die je bijstaat van start tot finish, wat resulteert in het vinden van de perfecte persoon voor de juiste job.</p><p>Je levert je bijdrage door:</p><ul><li>Je netwerk uit te bouwen met nieuwe klanten en bestaande klanten doormiddel van virtuele of face to face klantenbezoeken</li><li>Een talentenpool te creëren</li><li>Een recruitmentoplossing te vinden voor je klanten en ze tijdens het proces bij te staan</li><li>De noden en trends op de markt te begrijpen, analyseren en deze met klanten te delen</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Wie ben jij?</strong></p><ul><li>Je hebt een passie voor wat je doet en bent vastberaden</li><li>Je hebt een eerste relevante commerciële of business ervaring, hetzij met ervaring in een recruitment omgeving.</li><li>Je hebt bij voorkeur een masterdiploma binnen business, communicatie, psychologie,..</li><li>Je hebt een zeer goede kennis van het Nederlands en Frans, goede kennis van het Engels.</li><li>Je houdt ervan om een volwaardige partner te zijn voor je collega's in een dynamische werkomgeving</li><li>Je houdt van consultancy en een oplossingsgerichte aanpak</li><li>Door je veerkracht ben vastberaden jouw commerciële targets te behalen</li><li>Je hebt een kritische blik en kan vlot linken leggen om tot een zo goed mogelijk resultaat te komen</li><li>Je hebt een winnaarsmentaliteit en werkt graag in een resultaatgerichte omgeving</li></ul><p><strong>Wat we je aanbieden:</strong></p><ul><li>Een aantrekkelijk brutosalaris</li><li>Een Flex Income Plan waarmee je je loonpakket volledig volgens jouw persoonlijke behoeften kan samenstellen</li><li>Een bedrijfswagen met tankkaart</li><li>Individuele, onbeperkte bonussen</li><li>Teamgebonden incentives</li><li>Hybride werkopties</li><li>Interne trainingen en een op maat afgestemd carrièreplan</li><li>Een innovatieve werkomgeving</li><li>Wellbeing at work - we hechten veel belang aan een positieve en vrolijke sfeer op de werkvloer!</li></ul><p><strong>Sounds good?</strong><br /> <br /> Vraag je je af of het de moeite is om een gesprek met ons aan te gaan? Dan gaan we graag verder in op je professionele, financiële en persoonlijke wensen en bekijken we samen of dit matcht met onze business waar we hard werken om je gemotiveerd en gerespecteerd te doen voelen.</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi41OTcyNC4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">Talent Manager Flanders<p><strong>De ideale uitdaging voor ambitieuze professionals</strong></p><p>Als Great Place To Work bieden we niet alleen carrièremogelijkheden, maar hechten we ook veel waarde aan het welzijn van onze medewerkers. Als Talent Manager heb je de kans om te werken bij een internationale gevestigde waarde in de rekruteringswereld. Maak deel uit van ons team als Talent Manager in onze kantoren te Antwerpen, Gent, Hasselt of Roeselare en bouw mee aan onze en jouw toekomst.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Wat ga je doen?</strong></p><ul><li>Een netwerk uitbouwen met nieuwe en bestaande klanten</li><li>Een talentenpool creëren</li><li>Kandidaten opportuniteiten aanreiken en zo meebouwen aan iemands carrière</li><li>Een recruitmentoplossing vinden voor je klanten en ze tijdens het proces bijstaan van start tot finish</li><li>Noden en trends op de markt begrijpen, analyseren en deze met klanten delen</li><li>Als partner een lange termijn relatie opbouwen met kandidaten en klanten</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Wat we je aanbieden?</strong></p><ul><li>Een aantrekkelijk brutosalaris</li><li>Een Flex Income Plan waarmee je je loonpakket volledig volgens jouw persoonlijke behoeften kan samenstellen</li><li>Individuele, onbeperkte bonussen</li><li>Teamgebonden incentives</li><li>Hybride werkopties</li><li>Interne trainingen en een op maat afgestemd carrièreplan</li><li>Een innovatieve werkomgeving</li><li>Wellbeing at work - we hechten veel belang aan een positieve en vrolijke sfeer op de werkvloer</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Wie ben jij?</strong></p><ul><li>Je hebt enkele jaren commerciële of relevante business ervaring</li><li>Je beschikt over uitstekende schriftelijke en mondelinge communicatievaardigheden in het Nederlands en/of Frans, evenals in het Engels</li><li>Je houdt ervan om een volwaardige partner te zijn voor je collega's in een dynamische werkomgeving</li><li>Door je veerkracht ben je vastberaden jouw targets te behalen</li><li>Je hebt een kritische blik en kan vlot linken leggen om tot een zo goed mogelijk resultaat te komen</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Waar staan we voor?</strong></p><p>Robert Half is geëngageerd om een inclusieve en diverse cultuur uit te dragen. We zijn gefocust op gelijkheid en begrijpen het belang van het unieke in iedereen. We zijn vastberaden om een partner te zijn die onze klanten en kandidaten reflecteert en vertegenwoordigt.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Sounds good?</strong></p><p>Vraag je je af of het de moeite is om een gesprek met ons aan te gaan om deel te kunnen kunnen uitmaken van een van onze teams in Antwerpen, Brussel, Diegem, Gent, Groot-Bijgaarden, Hasselt of Roeselare? Dan gaan we graag verder in op je professionele, financiële en persoonlijke wensen en bekijken we samen of dit matcht.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Robert Half BV en Robert Half Project Sourcing BV verwerken de gegevens van sollicitanten die nodig zijn om de sollicitatieprocedure uit te voeren. Meer informatie over gegevensbescherming, in het bijzonder over uw rechten, vindt u op <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/nl/privacy" target="_blank">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/nl/privacy</a>. Indien u vragen heeft, kan u steeds contact met ons opnemen via [email protected].</p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/a3Jpc3N5LmRpZWxzLjcxMTMwLjEwODk1QHJvYmVydGhhbGZpbnRsLmFwbGl0cmFrLmNvbQ.gif">Project Consultant Accounting<p>Interesse om je skills in accounting aan te scherpen? <strong>Join Robert Half Project Sourcing BV</strong> als <strong>Project Consultant Accounting.</strong></p><p><strong>Robert Half breidt uit! </strong>Als toonaangevende dienstverlener in gespecialiseerde rekrutering verbreden we onze service met <strong>onze nieuwe zusterdivisie Robert Half Project Sourcing BV.</strong></p><p>Dit is het laatste puzzelstukje om jou als kandidaat een volledige waaier aan mogelijkheden te bieden.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Jouw kans</strong></p><p>Je komt terecht in een compleet nieuw team waar je versneld ervaring kan opdoen.</p><p>Je wordt ingezet op allerlei type opdrachten binnen Accounting voor verschillende industrieën en organisaties (KMO, multinationals, ...)</p><p>Je zet jouw expertise en skillset in binnen een projectgerichte context en kan tegelijkertijd jouw eigen vaardigheden en talenten verder ontwikkelen.</p><p>Je wordt tijdens jouw opdrachten opgevolgd door Business Managers van Robert Half Project Sourcing waar je terecht kan met jouw vragen.</p><p>Je hebt een Care Manager ter beschikking om je carrièredoelen te bereiken en je opleidings- en ontwikkelingsbehoeften te vervullen.</p><p>Je bent het klankbord om verder te bouwen aan de employer branding, de teamidentiteit, de trainingsbehoeftes enz.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Jouw profiel</strong></p><p>Je hebt een Bachelor/Master in Accounting of Financiële richting</p><p>Je hebt ervaring in een Accounting departement en/of een boekhoudkantoor</p><p>Je hebt kennis van accounting en/of ERP-systemen</p><p>Je spreekt vloeiend Nederlands en Engels, kennis van het Frans is een pluspunt</p><p>Je werkt autonoom en bent leergierig</p><p>Je bent klantgericht en je denkt mee met de klant voor optimalisaties en efficiëntie</p><p>Je bent een goede communicator</p><p>Je past je gemakkelijk aan in nieuwe omgevingen</p><p> </p><p><strong>Ons aanbod</strong></p><p>Werken in een omgeving waar we willen uitblinken in alles wat we doen en waar de medewerker centraal staat in onze strategie.</p><p><strong>Welzijn</strong></p><p>20 wettelijke verlofdagen + 12 ADV-dagen + halve dag vrij voor je verjaardag</p><p>Leuke events en teambuildings</p><p>Employee Assistance Programma</p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Leren en ontwikkelen</em></strong></p><p>Een breed trainingsaanbod</p><p>Mentoring programma</p><p>Carrièrecoach ter beschikking</p><p>Peer to peer training</p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Financieel</em></strong></p><p>Aantrekkelijk basissalaris</p><p>Jaarlijkse bonusincentive met optie uitbetaling in warrants</p><p>Bedrijfswagen met laadkaart of mobiliteitsbudget</p><p>Smartphone inclusief mobiele data-abonnement</p><p>Maaltijdcheques</p><p>Groepsverzekering</p><p>Hospitalisatieverzekering</p><p>Ambulante kostenverzekering</p><p>Een aantrekkelijk en uitgebreid flexibel inkomensplan</p><p> </p><p><strong>Waar staan we voor?</strong></p><p>Bij Robert Half Project Sourcing BV zijn onze ondernemingswaarden verweven in ons DNA en vormen ze de basis van onze manier van werken. Integriteit, Inclusie, Innovatie en Commitment to success zijn principes die steeds een centrale plaats innemen bij alles wat we doen. Elke dag geven onze medewerkers blijk van deze principes in hun interactie met klanten, kandidaten en elkaar.</p><p>Daarnaast wil Robert Half Project Sourcing BV ervoor zorgen dat onze organisatie een plaats is waar mensen tellen. Diversiteit waarderen en de nadruk leggen op de unieke ideeën, meningen, perspectieven en talenten van alle medewerkers, leidt tot een verrijking voor de volledige organisatie. We moedigen een inclusieve cultuur aan die verschillen zoekt, respecteert, waardeert en benut, die medewerkers actief aanmoedigt om hun unieke talenten ten volle te benutten.</p><p>We menen dat diversiteit een verrijking betekent voor onze prestaties, de gemeenschappen waarin we leven en werken en de persoonlijke levens van onze medewerkers.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Interesse?</strong></p><p>Interesse om de uitdaging aan te gaan en een sleutelrol te vervullen in onze financiële talent pool? Solliciteer dan vandaag nog en wij nemen zo snel mogelijk contact met jou op!</p><p> </p><p>Robert Half BV en Robert Half Project Sourcing BV verwerken de gegevens van sollicitanten die nodig zijn om de sollicitatieprocedure uit te voeren. Meer informatie over gegevensbescherming, in het bijzonder over uw rechten, vindt u op <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/nl/privacy" target="_blank">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/nl/privacy</a>. Indien u vragen heeft, kan u steeds contact met ons opnemen via [email protected].</p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/a3Jpc3N5LmRpZWxzLjk2ODUwLjEwODk1QHJvYmVydGhhbGZpbnRsLmFwbGl0cmFrLmNvbQ.gif">Business Solutions Manager Technology Flanders<p> </p><p><strong>Wie zijn we en wat doen we?</strong></p><p>Robert Half innoveert en groeit sterk! Heb je er altijd al van gedroomd om deel uit te maken van een scale-up maar wil je ook graag structuur, training en verloning binnen een solide organisatie met ervaren managers om je te begeleiden? Dan ben je bij Robert Half Technology nu aan het juiste adres! Om de razendsnelle groei van onze scale-up in <em>Technology Contracting Solutions</em> <em>(interim management)</em> te ondersteunen, zijn we immers op zoek naar een ambitieuze <strong>Business Solutions Manager</strong> <strong>Vlaanderen</strong>.</p><p> </p><p><strong>What's in it for you?</strong></p><p>Je krijgt de unieke kans om samen met het team Technology Contracting Solutions (interim management) verder uit te bouwen over heel Vlaanderen. Bovenop een zeer aantrekkelijk salarispakket heb je ook de kans om zeer mooie bonussen te verdienen, geen klein detail!</p><p> </p><p><strong>Wat we je aanbieden:</strong></p><ul><li>Aantrekkelijk salaris en tal van andere voordelen (wagen, Tech gadgets, groeps- en hospitalisatieverzekering, netto-vergoeding & more)</li><li>Zeer interessant bonussysteem</li><li>Hybride werkopties - in Vlaanderen hebben we kantoren in Diegem, Groot-Bijgaarden, Gent, Roeselare, Antwerpen en Hasselt. Op maandag komen we samen in Diegem voor een live team meeting, de andere dagen vul je flexibel in, zowel remote, op andere kantoren en natuurlijk bij klanten</li><li>Welzijn op het werk - we hechten veel belang aan een positieve en vrolijke sfeer op de werkvloer!</li><li>Sector gebonden trainingsprogramma's en een op maat afgestemd carrièreplan</li><li>Een continue investering in artificiële intelligentie en de beste technologie om je succes te ondersteunen</li><li>Individueel en teamgebonden incentives en rewards</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Wat ga je doen:</strong></p><ul><li>je bent een sterke <strong>business partner</strong> die <strong>op executive level</strong> voldoende geloofwaardigheid kan opbouwen door de noden van de business in IT&Digital op korte en lange termijn goed te begrijpen en te analyseren. Daarbij heb je de ambitie om de vertrouwenspersoon van jouw klanten te worden, om zo de nodige ondersteuning te bieden bij nieuwe projecten;</li><li>je gebruikt dus je ervaring voor het identificeren van potentiële projectnoden en biedt de beste oplossing aan je klant door het inzetten van de juiste Technology Interim Managers; hiervoor kan je ook beroep doen op collega's die nauw in contact staan met de interim managers en in tandem met jou naar de beste oplossingen zoeken;</li><li>je werkt nauw samen met deze Talent Solutions Manager die verantwoordelijk is voor de opvolging van onze interim managers maar je identificeert, selecteert en ontmoet ook zelf interim managers zodat je de voeling met die markt goed behoudt en zodat je ook beter de uitdagingen van je klanten begrijpt;</li><li>je verzekert een hoogstaande kwalitatieve samenwerking tussen alle partijen door een nauwe opvolging van ieder project; je bent immers dé contactpersoon voor jouw klant voor alles wat interim management in IT&Digital betreft en elk project bij je klant wordt door jou persoonlijk opgevolgd, van start tot finish; niet inhoudelijk, maar je zorgt er wel voor dat je je interim manager en je klant regelmatig ontmoet om het project mee op te volgen;</li><li>je werkt <em>in</em> een team en <em>als</em> een team; je zal niet meteen mensen in het team aansturen (je krijgt wel zeker het perspectief om door te groeien naar een managerfunctie), maar je zal wel meteen heel veel stakeholder management moeten doen bij klanten en interim managers;</li><li>we moedigen je aan om aan professionele netwerking evenementen deel te nemen en we bieden je hier ook alle ondersteuning in, om zo een kwalitatief professioneel netwerk uit te bouwen</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Wie ben jij?</strong></p><ul><li>Je beschikt over een Master of professionele Bachelor</li><li>Je hebt minimum 3-5 jaar professionele ervaring en je beschikt vooral over een enorme commerciële drive; ervaring in IT sales recruitment of business development, of een vergelijkbare functie; is een asset maar geen must, it's all about the attitude!</li><li>Je bent <strong>Nederlandstalig</strong>, met een goede kennis van Engels</li><li>Je bent van nature leergierig, je kan zelfstandig werken en je denkt proactief,</li><li>Je deelt onze gedrevenheid in het vinden van de juiste interim management-oplossing en zorgt voor variatie in je aanpak en het aanbrengen van nieuwe ideeën om je doel te bereiken;</li><li>Je beschikt over een flinke portie doorzettingsvermogen en geeft niet snel op;</li><li>Je bent zeer communicatief en houdt ervan om contacten te leggen met mensen;</li><li>Je wil uitblinken in je vak en haalt steeds de vooropgestelde doelstellingen. Concrete targets werken voor jou motiverend.</li></ul><p> </p><p> </p><p><strong>Wat verwachten wij?</strong></p><ul><li>Je staat open voor diverse perspectieven en denkpistes;</li><li>Je werkt graag in teamverband, maar je kan ook autonoom werken;</li><li>Je bent flexibel om regelmatig aanwezig te zijn op verschillende kantoren;</li><li>Je staat ervoor open om je nieuwe technologieën eigen te maken, waaronder Salesforce en LinkedIn;</li><li>Je hebt een groot aanpassingsvermogen voor steeds wijzigende omgevingsfactoren in een sales gedreven omgeving;</li><li>Je beschikt over sterke interpersoonlijke en communicatieve vaardigheden;</li><li>Je hecht veel belang aan een ethische ingesteldheid op de werkvloer</li></ul><p> </p><p>Klaar voor de volgende stap in jouw carrière? Word Business Solutions Manager bij Robert Half Technology en maak het verschil voor bedrijven in heel België.</p><p>Solliciteer nu en sluit je aan bij een team waar groei, vertrouwen en resultaat centraal staan!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Robert Half BV en Robert Half Project Sourcing BV verwerken de gegevens van sollicitanten die nodig zijn om de sollicitatieprocedure uit te voeren. Meer informatie over gegevensbescherming, in het bijzonder over uw rechten, vindt u op <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/nl/privacy" target="_blank">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/nl/privacy</a>. Indien u vragen heeft, kan u steeds contact met ons opnemen via [email protected].</p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/a3Jpc3N5LmRpZWxzLjAzMTU4LjEwODk1QHJvYmVydGhhbGZpbnRsLmFwbGl0cmFrLmNvbQ.gif">Legal Counsel<p><strong>Robert Half Talent Solutions</strong> is currently looking for a<strong> Legal Counsel (m/f/x)</strong> for a permanent position based in <strong>Brussels</strong>.</p><p>Our client is a fast growing company active in the <strong>insurance sector.</strong></p><p>As <strong>Legal Counsel (m/f/x)</strong> you will be <strong>responsible</strong> for:</p><ul><li>Legal Advisory: Provide expert legal advice and guidance to management and other personnel on wide range of topics, including insurance policy interpretation, regulatory compliance, contractual obligations, employment;</li><li>Insurance Policy Drafting and Review: Draft and review insurance policies, contracts, and other legal documents to identify potential risks, ensure accuracy, and mitigate liabilities;</li><li>Regulatory Compliance: Stay abreast of changes in insurance laws and regulations in Belgium, assess their impact on the company and colleagues in the Compliance team, and help to implement necessary compliance measures;</li><li>Litigation Management: Manage external legal counsel and represent the company in litigation matters, including escalated disputes with policyholders, regulatory and law enforcement agencies, court authorities and other parties;</li><li>Training and Education: Conduct training sessions and workshops for employees to increase awareness of legal issues and requirements affecting business;</li><li>Risk Management: Observe and uphold risk management strategies to minimise legal exposure and protect interests.</li></ul><p>The required<strong> profile</strong> for the <strong>Legal Counsel (m/f/x)</strong> position:</p><ul><li>Degree (or equivalent) in Law [and admission to the Brussels Bar] is essential. Advanced certifications or relevant professional qualifications in insurance law are highly desirable;</li><li>Minimum of 6 years experience practicing law in a similar role. Experience working in the regulated financial services industry, ideally within the insurance industry. Ideally at least two years at a law firm and prior in-house experience;</li><li>Familiarity with Belgian insurance regulations, including IDD, Solvency II, and GDPR;</li><li>Excellent knowledge of legal principles, practices, and industry standards, with the ability to apply them in a practical and business-oriented manner;</li><li>Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to assess complex situations, identify risks, and recommend appropriate actions and practical solutions;</li><li>Strong project management and stakeholder management skills;</li><li>Fluency in English and French or Dutch is required, with the ability to communicate effectively in both written and verbal forms. Other European languages considered an asset;Effective communication and interpersonal skills, with the capacity to explain complex concepts (sufficient to conduct business in the insurance industry) in English and Dutch or French, both written and verbal to non-technical audiences;</li><li>Proven track record of managing legal matters independently and collaboratively within a team environment;</li><li>Ability to be pragmatic and understand and communicate legal requirements as well as effective risk mitigation strategies and implications of non-compliance;</li><li>Demonstrated ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment, prioritizing and managing multiple tasks simultaneously;</li><li>Ability to work in a changing, fast paced international business;</li><li>Credibility, professionalism and confidence to implement best practice independently with a proactive attitude;</li><li>Ability to make the judgement to balance commercial and compliance risks to achieve positive outcomes;</li><li>Ability to work with the business to achieve its goals within the relevant regulatory environment including delivery of difficult messages to senior leadership where necessary;</li><li>Skilled in managing assigned tasks in an assertive, efficient and timely manner.</li></ul><p>Interested in this position of <strong>Legal Counsel (m/f/x)</strong> at a young and dynamic company? Apply today.</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi44NjY2Ny4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">HR Officer<p><strong>Robert Half Talent Solutions</strong> is searching for a <strong>HR Officer (m/f/x)</strong>.</p><p>Join a rapidly growing company in the<strong> insurance sector</strong>. </p><p>As a <strong>HR Officer (m/f/x)</strong>, you will be reporting to the HR Manager and work closely with other business units within the Corporate Centre.</p><p>As a<strong> HR Officer (m/f/x)</strong>, your main<strong> responsibilities</strong> will include:</p><ul><li>Coordinating the employee life cycle by following the on- and off-boarding processes, ensuring changes such as mutations, promotions, and organisational shifts are updated accurately on HR systems;</li><li>Collaborating with your fellow HR Officer in the coordination of monthly payroll and exceptional payroll activities;</li><li>Providing first-level support for all payroll and employee-benefit related queries;</li><ul><li>Coordinating the process of the external workforce (collecting requests, documentation, and managing accesses & IT equipment);</li><li>Providing timely and correct reporting on the external workforce;</li></ul></ul><p>* Keeping employees informed about HR news & events through updates on the internal communication channels ;<br />* Acting as the contact person for Mobility issues: </p><ul><ul><li>Managing operational follow-ups for fleets (fuel cards, technical checks, fines, recalls, winter and summer tires, insurance, etc) and liaising with external vendors;</li><li>Reporting on fleet data and keeping updated with changes in legislation and taxation;</li><li>Researching the switch to alternative forms of mobility (full electricity, public transport, car allowance, …);</li></ul></ul><p>* Assisting in the organisation of Staff Events such as Christmas parties, Family days ;<br />* Assisting in HR projects to further optimize HR processes and systems depending on interest.</p><p>The <strong>ideal candidate</strong> will have:</p><ul><li>A Bachelor's degree with a minimum of 3 years experience in hard HR. Experience in fleet management is a plus;</li><li>An understanding of labour laws, rules, regulations and best practice;</li><li>A highly approachable, service-minded, trustworthy and discrete nature ;</li><li>Strong interpersonal skills;</li><li>Can work well within a team, as well as independently ;</li><li>A structured and practical approach with a result oriented mindset ;</li><li>Detail-oriented skills to ensure HR systems are up-to-date ;</li><li>Good knowledge of Microsoft Office (Excel, Word and PowerPoint);</li><li>Fluency in English, Dutch and/or French.</li></ul><p>The<strong> offer</strong>:</p><ul><li>The potential of home working up to 50%;</li><li>A dynamic, multicultural working environment;</li><li>An interesting and comprehensive salary package (including meal vouchers, eco vouchers, hospitalization, disability and group insurance, additional child allowance, mobile allowance and intervention in the internet reimbursement, ...);</li><li>The opportunity to optimize part of your salary package through a flexible income plan;</li><li>A corporate culture where you are encouraged to share views and opinions;</li><li>A flat organizational structure with close collaboration and communication with management and cross departments;</li><li>Extensive learning and development opportunities via our online learning platform.</li></ul><p>Interested in this position of <strong>HR Officer (m/f/x)</strong> at a young and dynamic company? Apply today.</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZlBlcm0uMDczNDYuMTA4OTVAcmhpZXVyb3BlLmFwbGl0cmFrLmNvbQ.gif">Talent Solutions Specialist - Management Resources<p>Ben jij op zoek naar een boeiende job om jouw vaardigheden te ontplooien? Dan is een job als Talent Solutions Specialist bij Robert Half in Antwerpen (of Gent) iets voor jou!</p><p>Technology Contracting, een divisie van Robert Half, is dé specialist voor senior ICT freelancers/interim managers. Zowel start-ups, kmo's als multinationals doen een beroep op onze interim managers om de continuïteit van hun business te garanderen, hun groei te ondersteunen of om een project te managen.</p><p>Als Talent Solutions Specialist in Antwerpen (of Gent) ben je mee verantwoordelijk voor de uitbouw en verdere opvolging van ons netwerk van ICT professionals. Je komt in contact met hoog gekwalificeerde interim managers en krijgt inzicht in verschillende industrieën en bedrijven!</p><p> </p><p><strong>Jouw verantwoordelijkheden</strong></p><ul><li>Je focust op de uitbouw en verder opvolging van ons netwerk van ICT interim managers met behulp van LinkedIn, Social Media en andere kanalen.</li><li>Je legt de eerste telefonische contacten en doet telefonische prescreenings.</li><li>Je blijft up-to-date met de interim managers en begeleidt hen doorheen hun carrière.</li><li>Je wordt een échte marktexpert binnen de sector en verleent gericht advies aan onze interim managers.</li><li>Samen met je team zorg je voor de perfect match tussen de interim managers en de projecten bij onze klanten.</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Wie ben jij?</strong></p><ul><li>Je hebt een universitair diploma of diploma hoger onderwijs, eventueel aangevuld met een eerste werkervaring.</li><li>Je hebt affiniteit en interesse in de wereld van IT en Digitalisatie.</li><li>Je bent leergierig, zelfstandig en pro-actief.</li><li>Je houdt van veelvuldige interactie met mensen.</li><li>Je bent een sterk communicatief persoon die in staat is om een stevig netwerk op te bouwen via persoonlijke-, telefonische- en video contacten.</li><li>Je bent een speurneus met een commerciële flair en een gezonde dosis doorzettingsvermogen.</li><li>Je bent een flexibel persoon die kan omgaan met deadlines en persoonlijke targets. </li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>Wat wij jou aanbieden?</strong></p><ul><li>Een boeiende job waar je volop inzicht zal krijgen in verschillende industrieën en bedrijven.</li><li>Doorgroeimogelijkheden op basis van je ambities en vaardigheden.</li><li>Een carrière met continue training en coaching. Op deze manier garanderen wij je persoonlijke groei in elke fase van je carrière.</li><li>Een moderne internationale werkomgeving waar je zowel de 'vibe' van een multinational als de charme van een lokaal team voelt.</li><li>Een werkgever die meermaals in de top 3 van "best places to work" in hun categorie geëindigd.</li><li>Enthousiaste en gemotiveerde collega's die je begeleiden en uitdagen om het beste uit jezelf te halen.</li><li>Een aantrekkelijk salarispakket aangevuld met:<ul><li>Interessant bonus systeem</li><li>Premium bedrijfswagen met tankkaart (indien je al ervaring hebt)</li><li>Netto-vergoedingen</li><li>Maaltijdcheques</li><li>Hospitalisatie- en groepsverzekering</li><li>Smartphone met abonnement</li><li>Laptop</li><li>32 vakantiedagen</li><li>Teambuildingactiviteiten en events</li><li>Flexibel inkomensplan die je de mogelijkheid biedt je pakket mee te bepalen!</li></ul></li></ul><p><br /><strong>Heb je interesse?</strong><br />We ontmoeten je graag om de mogelijkheden binnen Robert Half verder te bespreken.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Robert Half BV en Robert Half Project Sourcing BV verwerken de gegevens van sollicitanten die nodig zijn om de sollicitatieprocedure uit te voeren. Meer informatie over gegevensbescherming, in het bijzonder over uw rechten, vindt u op <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/nl/privacy" target="_blank">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/nl/privacy</a>. Indien u vragen heeft, kan u steeds contact met ons opnemen via [email protected].</p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/a3Jpc3N5LmRpZWxzLjY0ODEwLjEwODk1QHJvYmVydGhhbGZpbnRsLmFwbGl0cmFrLmNvbQ.gif">HR Legal Counsel<p><strong>Robert Half</strong> <strong>Talent Solutions</strong> is currently looking for a <strong>HR Legal Counsel (m/f/x) </strong>for a permanent position based in Brussels.</p><p>Our client is a fast growing company active in the <strong>transport sector</strong>.</p><p>As <strong>HR Legal Counsel (m/f/x) </strong>you will be <strong>responsible</strong> for:</p><ul><li>Help to Facilitate the social dialogue and support the preparation and follow-up of employee representative body meetings in Belgium, such as the Works Council and SUCS, in order to ensure constructive social dialogue and effective management of social elections;</li><li>Advisory: Provide advisory support covering all aspects of HR law to management and the business on HR policy-related matters and legal procedures;</li><li>Employment contract management: Support the maintenance and updates of employment contract templates, management of the template library, drafting and review of employment contract of individual staff members;</li><li>HR policy management: management: Support the maintenance and updates of HR policies and the Belgian Work Rules, including drafting of new and reviewing existing HR policies;</li><li>Compliance: Ensure compliance with the evolving HR law impacting the People Department to ensure compliance with in particular the latest employment legislation;</li><li>Communication: Draft and review HR communications related to People Department from an HR legal perspective and in view of the social dialogue;</li><li>International mobility: Support the periodic revision and refinement of international mobility processes and assist in the coordination of international mobility assignments, providing regular reports to the management team;</li><li>Training: Prepare & support the creation of training sessions on employment legislation.</li></ul><p>The required <strong>profile</strong> for the <strong>HR Legal Counsel (m/f/x) </strong>position:</p><ul><li>Master of Law;</li><li>Minimum 3 years of experience and possess the following capabilities;</li><li>Excellent communication skills;</li><li>Strong cooperation and teamwork abilities;</li><li>Customer-oriented mindset;</li><li>Embraces a culture of change;</li><li>Strong organizational skills;</li><li>High level of autonomy;</li><li>Labor law:<ul><li>Advanced: Solid HR Law knowledge</li></ul></li><li>Software tools:<ul><li>Basic: Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.)</li></ul></li><li>Languages:<ul><li>Fluent: French, Dutch, English (exclude what is not applicable)</li><li>Professional working proficiency: French, Dutch, English (exclude what is not applicable)</li></ul></li></ul><p>Interested in this position of<strong> HR Legal Counsel (m/f/x) </strong>at a young and dynamic company? Apply today.</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi4xOTU1Ni4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">Senior Compliance Officer<p><strong>Robert Half</strong> <strong>Talent Solutions</strong> is currently looking for a <strong>Senior Compliance Officer (m/f/x) </strong>for a permanent position based in Antwerp.</p><p>Our client is a fast growing company active in the <strong>banking sector</strong>.</p><p>As <strong>Senior Compliance Officer (m/f/x)</strong> you will be <strong>responsible</strong> for:</p><ul><li>You determine the direction of Compliance and Risk Management Belgium and manage the team;</li><li>You are the AML Compliance Officer towards the NBB;</li><li>You give the first line solicited and unsolicited advice on all possible compliance topics;</li><li>Assess and report potentially suspicious customer transactions (AML/ CTF/MAR) and advise on high-risk customer files;</li><li>Improve and execute on (periodic) monitoring activities regarding the Compliance and Risk & Control Framework;</li><li>You are the contact person of the supervisory authority(s) in Belgium and coordinate the conduct of investigations by the supervisory authority and other third parties;</li><li>Creating awareness of the1st line on various compliance and operational risk management topics;</li><li>Performing second line investigations into the quality of the 1st line processes and analyses.</li><li>Advice, impact assessment and support in the implementation of new legal requirements;</li><li>Providing compliance awareness and substantive training to the organization;</li><li>Reporting compliance and risk management risks to local management.</li></ul><p>The required profile for the <strong>Senior Compliance Officer (m/f/x)</strong> position:</p><ul><li>Fluency in Dutch and English;</li><li>Minimum 5 years experience as senior compliance officer in finance or financial markets;</li><li>Knowledge of and experience with European and national compliance laws and regulations;</li><li>AML knowledge;</li><li>People management experience;</li><li>Ability to advise, influence and ideate;</li><li>Collaborative, able to work with diverse global colleagues.</li></ul><p>Interested in this position of<strong> Senior Compliance Officer (m/f/x)</strong> at a young and dynamic company? Apply today.</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi45MTUwOC4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">Talent Acquisition Partner<p>Principal Accountabilities and Duties:</p><p><br />The main purpose of the Talent Acquisition Partner role is to partner with field and corporate management in TA related matters and is responsible for advising on a broad range of TA programs, policies, and processes, as well as support in delivering Talent Acquisition related projects.<br />- Build expertise through knowledge of the local employment market (e.g., where to find skills, salary expectations of candidates with those skills, benchmark information from competitors etc.) and through on-going relationships with internal and external candidates.<br />- Source for talent in a wide pool to ensure diversity of candidate is offered and that recruitment selection and process is inclusive.<br />- Build-up & actively source a pipeline of passive and active candidates through proactive headhunting and maintain positive on-going relationships with internal and external candidates for future opportunities, setting up informal meetings with passive talent.<br />- Set-up a solid and consistent passive recruitment strategy to actively source a pipeline of passive and active candidates through headhunting & competitor mapping.<br />- Identify external candidates through recruitment seminars, fairs, interviews, telephone pre - screening and testing.<br />- Implement a candidate data to Workday and ensure all data is kept up to date and consistent.<br />- Maintain a proactive network strategy which leads to a high-quality pipeline of future candidates.<br />- Ensure regular communication to the internal clients and report on the status of the different recruitment processes, from job intake until job fill.<br />- In collaboration with the Senior Manager or Director of Human Resources, partner with the MD's and field leadership on the end-to-end recruiting process and assist in all recruiting needs.<br />- Partner with leadership and HR team on analyzing market trends, consult your client group on a regular basis and be the point of contact for all hiring needs.<br />- Offer guidance, alternatives, and solutions to both hiring managers and potential talent through business partner relationship.<br />- Manage headcount data and analyze performance data to ensure priority roles are filled quickly for maximum impact.<br />- Prepare weekly and monthly reports and statistical analysis on recruiting, hiring trends, turnover rates to ensure high process efficiency.<br />- Ensure consistent corporate image and promoting the organization's image as a great place to work through the recruitment process.<br />- Participate in projects related to Talent Acquisition.<br />- In collaboration with the Senior Manager or Director of Human Resources, manage contractual relationships with placement agencies, contract recruiters, job boards and various internet job search websites for posting requisitions and find candidates.</p><p><br />Profile</p><p>* Minimum 3 years of relevant experience as a recruiter.</p><p>* In-depth knowledge of selection methods (e.g., competence-based interview, assessments) and you are acquainted with recruitment channels (e.g., social media) and tools (e.g., recruitment software)</p><p>* Demonstrate excellent organizational and communication skills.</p><p>* Open, assertive, and diplomatic personality and ability to build relationships and gain credibility at every level of the organization.</p><p>* Flexible, pro-active and ability to work in a changing environment.</p><p>* Experience in professional services is an asset.</p><p>* Excellent spoken and written communication skills in French and Dutch are a<br />must.</p><p> </p><p>Robert Half BV en Robert Half Project Sourcing BV verwerken de gegevens van sollicitanten die nodig zijn om de sollicitatieprocedure uit te voeren. Meer informatie over gegevensbescherming, in het bijzonder over uw rechten, vindt u op <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/nl/privacy" target="_blank">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/nl/privacy</a>. Indien u vragen heeft, kan u steeds contact met ons opnemen via [email protected].</p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/ZWxsZW4uaGVyd2VnZS45Njc4MC4xMDg5NUByb2JlcnRoYWxmaW50bC5hcGxpdHJhay5jb20.gif">Controller<p><strong>Robert Half Talent Solutions</strong> is currently looking for a <strong>Financial Controller (m/f/x) </strong>for a permanent position based in the north of Brussels.</p><p>Our client is a well reputed company active in the <strong>aviation sector</strong>. The company is part of a large international group but acts independently and offers a family spirit.</p><p>As <strong>Financial Controller (m/f/x) </strong>you will work in a team of 4 persons and report directly to the Finance Manager. You will be <strong>responsible</strong> for:</p><ul><li>Support the development of a long-term financial plan and annual budget based on key drivers of the line department and their respective business plans ;</li><li>Lead the coordination with Internal and External Auditors, developing action plans based on audit observations and lead the closing of all observations ;</li><li>In partnership with your manager, implement new departmental policies, processes and procedures ;</li><li>Implement day-to-day operations assigned and ensures compliance with the established standards and procedures ;</li><li>Review and ensures sales records reflect the correct outstanding positions at all times by receipting and allocating amounts recovered from customers correctly and on time ;</li><li>Ensure that sales and refunds are accurately recorded to ensure up to date information ;</li><li>Coordinate with stakeholders to ensure that all payments are settled in a timely manner ;</li><li>Complete bank reconciliations by comparing bank statements to payments/ deposits made on a weekly basis clearing any outstanding items ;</li><li>Generate and provide the weekly cash flow statement to ensure proper tracking ;</li><li>Validate and checks payments to maintain creditors profile to enable the party to be dealt with professionally ;</li><li>Compile and prepare the required reports/statements such as tax collected for local Government/statutory requirements and arrange for the submission of the report/ statement in line with the required schedule.</li></ul><p>The required <strong>profile</strong> for this role is:</p><ul><li>Bachelor/ Master degree in Finance or Accounting ;</li><li>At least two years of experience in a financial position ;</li><li>Good practical knowledge of BE Gaap and at least a good theorical knowledge of IFRS ;</li><li>Excellent knowledge of English and of French/ Dutch ;</li><li>Ability to work independently and proactively ;</li><li>Good communication and easy contact with all internal/external stakeholders ;</li><li>Open to new opportunities and ready to take on new challenges ;</li><li>Motivation to learn and be able to work in a versatile role within a department that is being structured.</li></ul><p>Interested in this opportunity?</p><p>Please apply!<strong> </strong></p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi4wODU4Mi4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">Valuation Analyst<p><strong>Robert Half Talent Solutions</strong> is currently looking for a <strong>Valuation Analyst (m/f/x)</strong> for a permanent position based in Vilvoorde.</p><p>Our client is a fast growing company active in the <strong>real estate sector</strong>.</p><p>As <strong>Valuation Analyst (m/f/x)</strong> you will be <strong>responsible</strong> for:<br /><br /><strong>Valuations:</strong></p><ul><li>Coordinate the valuation process to ensure the fair market value assessment of our stabilized portfolio & developments. You determine which assets are selected and subject to external valuation and ensure the Group and Fund remain in compliance with the valuation policy;</li><li>Explore and roll out new valuation methodologies for emerging business streams;</li><li>Monitor signed lease agreements and analyse the clauses focussing on commercial topics such as rental levels, indexation, lease length, extension options and recoverable costs;</li><li>Support Asset Managers across Europe to optimize their Real Estate business cases enhancing rental cash flows and ESG upgrades;</li><li>Assist in creating detailed reports for internal and external stakeholders, including GIC papers, presentations, and audit memos and streamline their issuance;</li><li>Stay updated with market trends to ensure you remain a market front-runner and share valuable insights with the relevant stakeholders.</li></ul><p><strong>Development Portfolio:</strong></p><ul><li>Keep track of development projects, act as liaison between project managers, corporate business layers and provide them with regular updates;</li><li>Assist Project Managers across Europe in refining their business cases;</li><li>Maintain the internal feasibility tools for both stabilized and development business cases.</li></ul><p>The required <strong>profile</strong> for the V<strong>aluation Analyst (m/f/x)</strong> position:</p><ul><li>Master's degree in engineering (Business, civil or industrial) combined with at least 2 years' experience. Development experience is a definitive plus;</li><li>Analytical and critical thinking: you can challenge ideas and processes effectively;</li><li>Effective communication: you have a strong focus on stakeholder management and clear, concise communication;</li><li>Passion for industry: you are enthusiastic about industrial real estate, financial analysis and data-driven decision making;</li><li>Market awareness: You are well-informed on key market trends, sector developments and macroeconomic factors;</li><li>You are fluent in English;</li><li>You are willing to travel within Europe for short business trips.</li></ul><p>Interested in this position of <strong>Valuation Analyst (m/f/x)</strong> at a young and dynamic company? Apply today.</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi43MDQwMy4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">Legal Counsel<p><strong>Robert Half Talent Solutions</strong> is currently looking for a<strong> Legal Counsel (m/f/x)</strong> for a permanent position based in Antwerp.</p><p>Our client is a European company active in the <strong>transport sector</strong>. The environment is international and demanding.</p><p>As<strong> Legal Counsel (m/f/x)</strong> you will be <strong>responsible</strong> for:</p><ul><li>Preparation, negotiation, management and compliance of all commercial and other agreements, in accordance with group standards with a sound understanding of the relevant risks and obligations</li><li>Dispute management and follow-up of litigations</li><ul><li>Timely escalating emerging disputes, legally analyzing the dispute and the parties' respective positions, appointment and management of external counsels, board reporting on dispute development, drafting settlement agreements, reviewing and providing input to submissions drafted by external counsel etc</li></ul><li>General and specialized legal advice to colleagues from the commercial, engineering, operations and general management departments</li><ul><li>Legal support for transactions (incl. contracts with suppliers)</li><li>Legal input on board papers</li><li>Legal advice, research, seeking external legal advice on country-specific issues, co-ordination with engineering, commercial, operations and finance department</li></ul><li>Availability of standard lease documents and other contractual documents, regularly updated and easily accessible for commercial, engineering and/or operations team</li><ul><li>Regular review of standard documents, keeping them updated taking into account changed circumstances and experience on previous transactions, in close co-operation with external lawyers in respective countries</li><li>Drafting of new standard documents as per changing needs of the business, in co-operations with external lawyers in relevant countries.</li></ul><li>Managing external counsels</li><li>Compliance with corporate governance</li><ul><li>Preparation of internal agreements and documentation required by Group policies and intercompany arrangements</li><li>Ensuring observation of internal (approval) processes and policies</li></ul></ul><p>The required<strong> profile</strong> for the <strong>Legal Counsel (m/f/x)</strong> position:</p><ul><li>Qualified lawyer in European country, preferably in Germany, and with a private or financial law emphasis</li><li>Minimum 5 years of experience as legal counsel, using partially German language, preferably with 1-2 years in a law firm</li><li>Feeling for commercially sensitive matters</li><li>Ability to understand technical and financial implications of a given transaction and more generally being aware of issues beyond the purely legal ones</li><li>Excellent communication and negotiation skills</li><li>Ability to interact with staff from different cultural and educational background</li><li>Ability to manage relationships horizontally to ensure optimal support and use off colleagues from different offices</li><li>IT literacy in relation to standard IT packages;</li><li>Pro-active and self motivated attitude with the ability to operate independently in addition to being a team player; </li><li>Organised, methodical, a keen eye for and attention to detail, an enthusiastic approach to problem solving and the achievement of relevant objectives and targets and an ability to work with limited supervision;</li><li>Ability to cope with pressure and fulfil tasks within given deadlines;</li><li>Treat confidential information with discretion and trustworthy.</li><li>Language skills: minimal: proficiency in German and English; additional asset: other European language.</li></ul><p>Interested in this position of <strong>Legal Counsel (m/f/x)</strong> ? Apply today.</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi4wNTkwMy4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">Business Controller<p><strong>Robert Half Talent Solutions</strong> is currently looking for a <strong>Business Controller (m/f/x)</strong> for a permanent position based in <strong>Machelen</strong>.</p><p>Our client is an <strong>international</strong> company active in the <strong>logistic sector</strong>. The company is one of the worldwide leader and member of a listed group.</p><p>As <strong>Business Controller (m/f/x)</strong> you will work in a<strong> team of three persons</strong> and will report to the Controlling Manager. Together, you will manage<strong> two entities</strong> and your responsibilities are:</p><ul><li>Analysis of monthly performance to budget and forecast of financial and non-financial information, evaluating variance impact, and identifying trends;</li><li>Weekly 'monthly trend' reporting - volume & financial forecast for the current month;</li><li>The annual budget and forecasting process - annual budget to be prepared on a detailed basis;</li><li>Preparation of the internal monthly business review pack for Group Management;</li><li>Participate in the implementation and ongoing development of business controls and data analytics to obtain full transparency on the main business drivers, including KPIs;</li><li>Interprets data for the purpose of determining past financial performance and/or to identify risks & opportunities;</li><li>Actively build and maintain strong relationships with finance and non-finance colleagues;</li><li>Preparation of business cases for new opportunities.</li></ul><p>The required <strong>profile</strong> for the <strong>Business Controller (m/f/x)</strong> position:</p><ul><li>You have a master's degree in finance or similar through experience;</li><li>You have at least two years of experience in controlling/ audit;</li><li>You are fluent in English and has a good knowledge of French and Dutch;</li><li>You have strong analytical skills and organizational skills;</li><li>You are proactive and have an entrepreneurial mindset;</li><li>You have strong communication skills and speak easily with others;</li><li>Strong affinity with business analytics tools, preferably Power BI.</li></ul><p>What the<strong> company offers</strong> :</p><ul><li>The possibility to grow and the place for initiatives/ new ideas;</li><li>A lot of contacts with internal and international people;</li><li>A challenging and interesting business that evolves quickly ;</li><li>A competitive salary package (company car, net allowances, meal vouchers, ecocheques, insurances, bonus, etc.).</li></ul><p><br />Interested in this position of <strong>Business Controller (m/f/x)</strong> at an international company? <br />Apply today !</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi4wMjc3MS4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">Financial Controller<p><strong>Robert Half</strong> <strong>Talent Solutions</strong> is currently looking for a <strong>Financial Controller (m/f/x) </strong>for a permanent position based in Diegem.</p><p>Our client is a fast growing company active in the <strong>healthcare sector</strong>.</p><p>As <strong>Financial Controller (m/f/x) </strong>you will be <strong>responsible</strong> for:</p><ul><li>Maintain contact with the Managing Director of France, the CFO, and Group Controller;</li><li>Month end closing process and reporting;</li><li>Preparation of yearly budget;</li><li>Monitor liquidity positions and report on it;</li><li>Implementation and automation of financial processes;</li><li>Maintain relationships with external parties such as accountants, tax authorities, and lawyers;</li><li>Act as the point of contact for MS Business Central users;</li><li>Year end audit;</li><li>Support the Group Controller in audits;</li><li>Ad hoc administrative tasks (e.g. payroll).</li></ul><p>The required <strong>profile</strong> for the <strong>Financial Controller (m/f/x) </strong>position:</p><ul><li>Master in Finance or equivalent;</li><li>At least 5 years of experience in a similar role;</li><li>Excellent knowledge of financial processes;</li><li>Excellent communication skills in French and Dutch or English.</li><li>Flexible, accurate, independent, and proactive.</li><li>Excellent knowledge of MS Office, especially Excel.</li></ul><p>Interested in this position of<strong> Financial Controller (m/f/x) </strong>at a young and dynamic company? Apply today.</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi43NDYzMi4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">Data Protection Officer<p><strong>Robert Half Talent Solutions</strong> is currently looking for a <strong>Data Protection Officer - DPO (m/f/x)</strong> for a permanent position based in <strong>Brussels</strong>.</p><p>Our client is a fast paced company active in the<strong> insurance sector.</strong></p><p>As <strong>Data Protection Officer - DPO (m/f/x)</strong> you will be<strong> responsible</strong> for:</p><ul><li>Serve as the main point of contact within the organization for staff members, regulators, and relevant public authorities on issues related to data protection, privacy, and regulatory compliance;</li><li>Work with senior stakeholders to develop, implement, and maintain data protection policies, procedures, and guidelines to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and codes of practice such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation);</li><li>Conduct privacy impact assessments (PIAs) and maintain a comprehensive record of data processing activities;</li><li>Advise and provide guidance and training to management and employees on data protection requirements, including the legal basis for processing personal data, data subject rights, and data breach management;</li><li>Prepare, tailor and support legal team in the negotiation of data protection agreements and other relevant contractual provisions related to privacy and the protection of personal information and relevant protections in relation to international data transfers;</li><li>Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure that data protection considerations are incorporated into the design and implementation of new systems, processes, and products;</li><li>Stay updated on emerging data protection laws, regulations, and industry trends, and assess their impact on the organization;</li><li>Investigate data breaches and incidents and serve as a point of contact for data protection authorities, and manage data protection inquiries, complaints, and regulatory reporting requirements;</li><li>Review, analyse, and respond to data subject privacy requests, including requests for erasure, deletion, access, correction and portability;</li><li>Conduct regular reviews, audits, and assessments to evaluate compliance with data protection policies and procedures and address potential issues;</li><li>Prepare board reporting relating to incidents and potential breaches, general data protection hygiene and recommendations as required;</li><li>Deliver training and awareness programs to promote a privacy-conscious culture among employees;</li><li>Foster strong relationships with internal stakeholders and external partners to drive effective data protection practices throughout the organisation.</li></ul><p>The required<strong> profile</strong> for the <strong>Data Protection Officer - DPO (m/f/x)</strong> position:</p><ul><li>Degree in a relevant field (e.g., Law, Computer Science, Information Security) is preferred;</li><li>Certified Data Protection Professional (CDPP) or Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) certification (or equivalent) is required. Advanced certifications or relevant professional qualifications in data protection and privacy are highly desirable;</li><li>Proven experience (minimum 7 years) as a Data Protection Officer or in a similar role, preferably in the insurance or financial services industry. Knowledge of bordereau reporting requirements in Belgium is desirable;</li><li>Excellent knowledge of privacy principles, practices, and industry standards, with the ability to apply them in a practical and business-oriented manner;</li><li>Familiarity with data security and information governance concepts, including risk assessment and mitigation;</li><li>Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to assess complex situations, identify risks, and recommend appropriate actions;</li><li>Serve as the main point of contact within the organization for staff members, regulators, and relevant public authorities on issues related to data protection;</li><li>Strong project management skills;</li><li>Ability to work in a changing, fast paced international business;</li><li>Credibility, professionalism and confidence to implement best practice independently with a proactive attitude;</li><li>Ability to make the judgement to balance commercial and compliance risks to achieve positive outcomes;</li><li>Ability to work with the business to achieve its goals within the relevant regulatory environment including delivery of difficult messages to senior leadership where necessary;</li><li>Skilled in managing assigned tasks in an assertive, efficient and timely manner.</li></ul><p>Interested in this position of <strong>Data Protection Officer - DPO (m/f/x) </strong>at a fast paced company? Apply today.</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi45ODE2OC4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">Investment Controller<p><strong>Robert Half</strong> <strong>Talent Solutions</strong> is currently looking for an <strong>Investment Controller (m/f/x) </strong>for a permanent position based in Brussels.</p><p>Our client is a fast growing company active in the <strong>real estate sector</strong>.</p><p>As <strong>Investment Controller (m/f/x) </strong>you will be <strong>responsible</strong> for:</p><ul><li>Active <strong>support during the transaction process</strong> (Acquisitions/Disposals) of the real estate properties (asset deals) or real state companies (share deals) as well as the financial and tax due diligence process;</li><li>Active support of the transaction team in the <strong>deal structuring, financial structuring</strong> (internal and external loans);</li><li>Preparation of financial step plans to ensure funding and monitor financial post-closing items;</li><li>Support CFO in <strong>preparation and negotiation of loan agreements</strong> with external lenders and monitor covenants;</li><li>Ensure tax compliance of investment structures, such as CIT, interest deductibility, tax loss carryforwards;</li><li>Assist Asset Management in <strong>asset budget and forecasting procedures</strong>;</li><li>Monitor performance of assets, such as NOI and IRR;</li><li>Monitor cash flow and provide recommendations for up- and downstreams/distributions.</li></ul><p>The required <strong>profile</strong> for the <strong>Investment Controller (m/f/x) </strong>position:</p><ul><li>University, <strong>Master's degree</strong> preferred with or any similar combination of education in real estate;</li><li><strong>Minimum of 3 years of experience in a similar position </strong>ideally gained within a real estate (or investment management / Big 4) setting and proven <strong>exposure to the Belgian real estate market; </strong></li><li>Experience in an international working environment;</li><li>Solid knowledge of Belgian GAAP. Knowledge of IFRS accounting standards would be considered a plus;</li><li>Good analytical and quantitative skills;</li><li>Advanced skills in Excel and PowerPoint. Ability to learn and operate industry specific databases and software;</li><li>Self-confidence, high level of commitment, team spirit and flexibility;</li><li>Fluent (written and spoken) in <strong>Dutch and English</strong> with a good command of French.</li></ul><p>Interested in this position of<strong> Investment Controller (m/f/x) </strong>at a young and dynamic company? Apply today.</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi40NDE0My4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">Compliance Officer<p><strong>Robert Half</strong> <strong>Talent Solutions</strong> is currently looking for a <strong>Compliance Officer (m/f/x) </strong>for a permanent position based in Brussels.</p><p>Our client, <strong>Ageas</strong>, is the holding company of the AG Insurance group (listed at the Bel20), active in investments and reinsurance at an international level.</p><p>The objective of the <strong>Compliance team</strong> is to see that the company and its employees comply with the laws, regulations, internal rules and ethical standards.</p><p>The objective of the <strong>Compliance team</strong> is to see that the company and its employees comply with the laws, regulations, internal rules and ethical standards.</p><p>To that end, the Compliance Officer will identify and assess potential compliance risk and ensure the professional management (monitoring and mitigating measures) of those. The compliance function aims at making sure that at any time and place, the company conducts business in such a way that whenever questioned about this we can confirm that, if we were to start over, we would conduct business in the same way taking into account the then prevalent situation.</p><ul><li>Support the implementation and execution of the compliance function as defined by the regulatory authorities;</li><li>Support regular update on legal and regulatory changes;</li><li>Develop and execute a Compliance Regulatory Outlook;</li><li>Ensure the translation of the regulatory framework and rules into precise policies and instructions;</li><li>Ensure monitoring and assessing of compliance with policies and instructions, take the necessary measures (training, information, sanctions) to reduce potential compliance risks;</li><li>Ensure the adequate reporting both to internal and external stakeholders - compile reports of calls received, investigations conducted, findings and recommendations developed, action plans established, and progress noted;</li><li>Ensure an adequate fraud investigation according set principles whenever required.</li><li>…</li></ul><p>The required <strong>profile</strong> for the <strong>Compliance Officer (m/f/x) </strong>position:</p><ul><li>Master's degree;</li><li>Minimum 5 years of experience in a Legal/compliance function;</li><li>Understanding of the (re)insurance business and in particular the impact of the regulatory frameworks on the insurance activities;</li><li>Ability to shine in an international context;</li><li>Demonstrate highest degree of integrity and discretion;</li><li>Fluent in English both spoken as written;</li><li>Fluent in Dutch or French.</li></ul><p>The <strong>offer</strong>:</p><ul><li>The possibility of (maximum 50%) home working;</li><li>A dynamic, multicultural working environment;</li><li>An interesting and extensive salary package (including meal vouchers, eco vouchers, hospitalization, disability and group insurance, additional child benefit, mobile allowance and intervention in the internet reimbursement, ...);</li><li>The possibility to optimize part of your salary package through a flexible income plan;</li><li>A corporate culture where you are encouraged to share your views and opinions;</li><li>A flat organizational structure with close collaboration and communication with management and cross departments;</li><li>An extensive range of learning & development opportunities through our online learning platform;</li><li>The opportunity to further develop yourself and to be part of a great team at a Top employer in Belgium.</li></ul><p>Interested in this position of a <strong>Compliance Officer (m/f/x) </strong>at an international listed company? Apply today.</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi42MzA0Mi4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">Legal Counsel<p><strong>Robert Half Talent Solutions</strong> is currently looking for a <strong>Legal Counsel (m/f/x)</strong> for a permanent position based in <strong>Brussels</strong>.</p><p>Our client is a fast growing company active in the <strong>non profit sector</strong>.</p><p>As <strong>Legal Counsel (m/f/x)</strong> you will be <strong>responsible</strong> for:</p><ul><li>Drafting, reviewing, negotiating and finalizing all types of agreements related to breast cancer research including, without limitation, confidentiality agreements, letters of intent, clinical study agreements (e.g., with pharmaceutical companies, association members and partners, individual hospitals, vendors), consortium agreements, services agreements, grant agreements, as well as other related documents ;</li><li>Working and liaising with team members to facilitate coordination of the legal aspects of different study activities (e.g., start-up, amendment, termination) ;</li><li>Advising on any legal and ethical issues related to the research being developed or conducted (e.g., informed consent, governance, etc.) ;</li><li>Advising on a variety of other legal matters related to the running as an aisbl (e.g., insurance, statutes, etc) ;</li><li>Advising on legal matters related to the activities of the philanthropy department, when necessary.</li></ul><p>The required <strong>profile</strong> for the <strong>Legal Counsel (m/f/x)</strong> position:</p><ul><li>Master's in law with relevant experience (minimum 5 years) in a clinical research, medical or related field or in contracts law ;</li><li>Experience as a barrister is an added value ;</li><li>Fluent written and spoken English; French and other languages are an asset ;</li><li>Ability to work effectively in a multicultural environment ;</li><li>Ability to work in a team, but also independently ;</li><li>Strong sense of responsibility and ethics ;</li><li>Excellent organizational and time-management skills ;</li><li>Interested in scientific topics as well as non-profit activities.</li></ul><p>Interested in this position of<strong> Legal Counsel (m/f/x)</strong> at a young and dynamic company? Apply today.</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi4zMzI1MS4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">Internal Experience Specialist<h1>Position Summary</h1><p>As an Internal Experience Specialist, your primary role is to provide an all-round internal customer experience. You will collaborate closely with our Leadership, District Office, and Support team. You will also support our corporate teams and a contact point for visitors internally and externally in all offices.</p><p>You will be responsible for several dedicated offices and together with your colleagues a national team, ensuring coverage across all Belux offices.</p><p> </p><h1>Principal accountabilities and duties:</h1><p>Mastering the role of Internal Experience Specialist will include, but is not limited to: </p><p>Internal Customer Experience</p><ul><li>Offering the best possible workspace for your colleagues through<ul><li>Ensuring meeting rooms and offices stay clean and professional, including storage areas.</li><li>Capturing IT and Facilities related issues and provide the necessary communication.</li><li>Collaborate with Health & Safety officer to be compliant with needs.</li><li>Follow fire training and creating the necessary awareness in branches.</li><li>Coordinate evacuation exercise.</li><li>Follow first aid training and create the necessary awareness in branches.</li><li>Order & follow up of office supplies.</li><li>Follow up on the shared inbox of your team where topics are gathered.</li></ul></li><li>Create a consistent employee experience across the different offices.</li><li>Create and follow up on PO numbers.</li><li>Reception on demand i.e., when having events, meetings, trainings, …</li><li>Coordinate trainings in the offices in close collaboration with Learning and Development and offer administrative support.</li><li>Coordinate visits to the offices (national/international colleagues, vendors, external parties…)</li><li>Responsible for creating consistent awareness around Google Reviews to the offices.</li><li>Sending the CLS survey feedback consistently to the sales leadership and other CSC support teams if applicable (domo)</li></ul><p>Support Management on events, meetings & incentives</p><ul><li>Local meetings and events<ul><li>A-Z assistance on local meetings and events</li><li>In collaboration with the Internal Experience Team, prepare presentations such as NYN, Quarterly Presentations, regional Kick Off meetings.</li><li>Organize and coordinate of local celebrations i.e., MDM, Anniversaries, Milestones</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li>Local incentives<ul><li>Coordinate local competitions and incentives.</li><li>Support of sales days, recruit days, mix & match days.</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li>National Meeting, Events, and Incentives<ul><li>Collaborate with the District Operations Specialist on national meetings & events.</li><li>Support on national charity campaigns as well as local charity campaigns</li></ul></li></ul><ul><li>Support the organization of national special celebrations i.e., Employee Appreciation Day, Christmas party, Earth Day,<br />Prepare visuals for internal and external posts of events, meetings, incentives, …</li><li>Organize and coordinate regional/local clients and candidates' events i.e., E&Y breakfast, IM network evening,</li><li>In collaboration with the Manager of Internal Experience or Senior Internal Experience Specialist, keep track of budgets i.e., motivational budgets, client lunches, …</li><li>Manage local subscriptions and memberships i.e., voka.</li></ul><p>On- and offboarding internal colleagues (new hires & interns)<br />Ensure a 5-star onboarding new hires and interns.</p><ul><li>Ensure a professional offboarding to leavers.</li></ul><p>Internships & Campus recruitment<br />Onboard the intern in collaboration with the Support teams.</p><ul><li>Organize job fair participation for our sales colleagues job-fairs and -events, recruitment trainings and partner with field and marketing. (i.e. Handling registrations, ordering correct booth equipment and marketing materials and gadgets)</li><li>Support Marketing Team and partner with field concerning with sponsorships.</li></ul><p>Support field teams <br />Create Canva visuals for jobs / candidates.</p><ul><li>Offer support to other teams in lower season i.e., summer months where traditionally are less events, meetings, incentives, …</li></ul><p> </p><h1><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Profile:</span></h1><ul><li>You enjoy collaborating with different people and teams. Ability to integrate and socialize easily when visiting other offices. (In this role we expect a weekly presence in each of the assigned offices).</li><li>Excellent organizational & communication skills.</li><li>Problem-solver.</li><li>Ability to communicate constructively and with flair and humor on IT issues and facility topic to reduce distraction towards our colleagues.</li><li>Dynamic & flexible person.</li><li>Team player, sharing best practices comes to you naturally.</li><li>Good knowledge of Dutch & English or French & English and you are eager to use different languages.</li><li>Ability to build relationships and collaborate with different corporate teams such as HR, Real</li><li>You are in possession of a driver's license.</li></ul><p> </p><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">We offer</span></p><ul><li>Inclusive & diverse company culture</li><li>Teammates who are motivated to achieve the best results together</li><li>Attractive compensation package including insurances and benefits such as:<ul><li>Meal vouchers</li><li>Netto expenses (telework)</li><li>Transportation reimbursement</li><li>Semestrial bonus</li><li>Health insurance (for you and your family)</li><li>Group insurance</li><li>Benefits plan (cafetariaplan)</li></ul></li><li>Functional company car</li><li>Wellbeing at work - we value the importance of workplace happiness!</li></ul><p> </p><p> </p><p>Robert Half BV en Robert Half Project Sourcing BV verwerken de gegevens van sollicitanten die nodig zijn om de sollicitatieprocedure uit te voeren. Meer informatie over gegevensbescherming, in het bijzonder over uw rechten, vindt u op <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/nl/privacy" target="_blank">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/nl/privacy</a>. Indien u vragen heeft, kan u steeds contact met ons opnemen via [email protected].</p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/RWxzLkd1bGRpeC4wMzg4MC4xMDg5NUByb2JlcnRoYWxmaW50bC5hcGxpdHJhay5jb20.gif">Demand Planning Specialist<p>For our client, Carpenter Technology Corporation and to support its significant growth, Robert Half is actively seeking a <strong>Demand Planning Analyst (m/f/x)</strong> for the EMEA scope. </p><p> </p><p>Carpenter Technology Corporation is a leading producer and distributor of premium specialty alloys, including titanium alloys, nickel and cobalt based superalloys, stainless steels, alloy steels and tool steels. Carpenter's high-performance materials and advanced process solutions are an integral part of critical applications used within the aerospace, transportation, medical and energy markets, among other markets.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Responsibilities of a Demand Planning Analyst (m/f/x) at our corporation include:</strong></p><ul><li>Under the direction of the Leadership - Europe, coordinate item replenishment planning for the customers.</li><li>Analyze and act with supervision on actual product demand, trends and forecasts to ensure world class forecast performance and customer service level, while at the same time, minimizing forecast and supply variation.</li><li>Provide necessary training to internal personnel in the area of demand management forecasting.</li><li>Assist the sales and market organizations in setting the monthly/quarterly forecast.</li><li>Continuous interaction with Customer Solutions and Logistics team to ensure execution of our commercial objectives.</li><li>Inventory management: monitor order entry for inventory programs; review our stocking position on key programs, pro-actively collaborate with inventory planning team.</li><li>Interact with customers, in conjunction with the sales force, when necessary, to enhance communications and resolve demand forecasting and slow-moving inventory.</li></ul><p><strong>For this recruitment, we are looking for candidates with:</strong></p><ul><li>A <strong>master's degree</strong> in business or a related subject</li><li>At least <strong>three years of professional experience</strong> in consulting, sales, commercial or a related field (first experience in supply chain is considered as an asset)</li><li>Excellent <strong>planning</strong> and <strong>organizational</strong></li><li>Strong <strong>communication </strong></li><li>Fluent in <strong>English</strong> (any other language considered as an asset)</li></ul><p>As a member of the Carpenter Technology Corporation, our Demand Planning Analyst will play a <strong>pivotal role </strong>in our operations, directly affecting our ability to deliver world-class service throughout our international markets. If you have a disposition for analysis, forecasting trends, and creating solutions in a dynamic business environment, <strong>this role is for you</strong>.</p><p>Interested by this great opportunity? Please apply!</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half SRL et Robert Half Project Sourcing SRL traitent les données des candidats qui sont nécessaires pour mener à bien le processus de candidature. Vous trouverez plus d' informations sur la protection des données, en particulier sur vos droits légaux, à <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/fr/vie-privee">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/fr/vie-privee</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi43NzEwMS4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">Financial Analyst & Controller<p><strong>Robert Half Talent Solutions</strong> is currently looking for a <strong>Financial Analyst & Controller (m/f/x)</strong> for a permanent position based in <strong>Huizingen</strong>.</p><p>Our client is a fast growing company active in the <strong>pharmaceutical sector</strong>.</p><p>As<strong> Financial Analyst & Controller (m/f/x)</strong> you will be <strong>responsible</strong> for:</p><ul><li>Financial Analyst :</li><ul><li>Manages all finance related processes under the supervision of the BeNeLux Business Support Lead;</li><li>Prepares and distributes monthly departmental financial reports and analysis;</li><li>Analyses and interprets financial data for trends, variances from budget/forecast/last year versus actuals, etc;</li><li>Meets monthly with business areas for financial review under the direction of the BeNeLux Business Support Lead;</li><li>Responsible for all month end and year end activities, working closely with our finance Shared Service Center in Poland;</li></ul><li>Financial Controller :</li><ul><li>Develops and manages financial planning and forecasting under the supervision of the BeNeLux Business Support Lead;</li><li>Responsible for analysing and commenting on actual performance against targets;</li><li>Assists in preparation of business cases;</li><li>Monitors internal controls and remediation as applicable;</li><li>Identifies and implements plans to improve business process efficiencies;</li></ul><li>Prepares all documents and analysis needed for the external and internal audits;</li><li>Participates in rollouts for new finance tools/automation;</li><li>Performs ad hoc and special project analysis as needed.</li></ul><p>The required <strong>profile</strong> for the<strong> Financial Analyst & Controller (m/f/x)</strong> position:</p><ul><li>Accounting or Finance Degree required;</li><li>Minimum 2 years financial analysis or controller experience required. Internal control experience is a plus;</li><li>BEGAAP knowledge required. IFRS knowledge is a plus;</li><li>Excellent knowledge of MS Excel and knowledge of MS PowerPoint and MS Word. Knowledge of PowerBi is a plus;</li><li>Fluent in French, Dutch and English both written and verbal;</li><li>Ability to prioritise and meet deadlines in a fast-paced, changing environment;</li><li>Very organized and detail oriented;</li><li>Strong analytical skills;</li><li>Strong communication skills with the ability to work cross functional with executives, managers and other staff to gather cooperation and service excellence.</li></ul><p>Interested in this position of <strong>Financial Analyst & Controller (m/f/x)</strong> at a young and dynamic company? Apply today.</p><p> </p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.</em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi44NTYyMi4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">IT Recruiter<p><strong>Robert Half </strong>is currently looking for an <strong>IT Recruiter ad interim </strong>(m/f/x) for a 2 months assignment.</p><p>Our client is located Brussels region.</p><p>As <strong>IT Recruiter</strong> you will be responsible for:</p><ul><li>Sourcing and screening candidates</li><li>Interviewing candidates</li><li>Coordinate follow up and give feedback</li><li>Liaising with the business</li><li>Assessments of internal candidates</li></ul><p>As <strong>IT Recruiter</strong> you have the following qualifications:</p><ul><li>Experience in recruiting</li><li>Relational skills</li><li>Trilingual</li></ul><p>Interested in this project? Apply today!</p><p><em>Robert Half BV and Robert Half Project Sourcing BV process the data from applicants that is required to carry out the application process. You can find more information on data protection, in particular on your rights, at <a href="https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy">https://www.roberthalf.com/be/en/privacy</a>.<br /></em></p><img src="https://counter.adcourier.com/Um9iZXJ0SGFsZi4zMzE1NS4xMDg5NUByaGlldXJvcGUuYXBsaXRyYWsuY29t.gif">